Let us know what’s wrong with this preview of Pérez does such a great job writing about interesting, young female characters with passion. Hiram directly confronts the most pernicious abuses of slavery before he is once again conducted away from danger and into sanctuary with the Underground, whose members convey him to the freer, if funkier environs of Philadelphia, where he continues to test his power and prepare to return to Virginia to emancipate the women he left behind—and to confront the mysteries of his past.

Friendships bloom as they share their hardships and dreams with each other, blossoming into adventure and activism when Cat brings up her concerns about the local scout group, the Floras-- and how they celebrate a hundred year old hat made with the feathers of endangered birds. 2 people found this helpful. T he bristled head of a mounted wild boar watches over the bottles at Irvington’s new tiki-leaning watering hole, Strange Bird. This is a book defined by its characters, its point, its beautiful language, and its clever storytelling.

Also, the girls in the story have their eyes opened to the racial and class discrepancies in their own group and in their wider community.
!I've enjoyed reading this book for many reasons.

Its vicious bouquet of gnarled tusks gives the beast an especially menacing quality that befits an animal frozen in mid-rampage. The various plot lines satisfying to follow. Right from the beginning we’re introduced to some diverse, strong girls who are all going through varying levels of self discovery. McAllister, who is chillingly real in her refusal to accept defeat or anything but her own purpose and her scout troop's disturbing legacy—the vividly different parents, and magnificent characterization of the girls themselves.

A lyrical if dark-hearted sidenote to VanderMeer’s wonderfully inventive dystopian novel When the singularity arrives, as it surely will, it will do so on extended wings. Actually, parents should read this one too. Helpful. The Strange Bird is a new kind of creature, built in a laboratory—she is part bird, part human, part many other things. Winners get to spend a week in NYC at journalism camp. Cat is a bird lover who quits a local club the Floras in protest over a feathered hat without telling her mother. Published DISCLAIMER: I received a free finished copy of this book from Farrar, Straus and Giroux in exchange for my honest review. Contemporary young adult literature has often led the way in depicting the real-life issues facing teens from all backgrounds. An intelligent book aimed at middle school readers, but that I recoA wonderful story about friendship and how four girls come to understand what they value and understand about each other. I love the character growth the girls experienced over the course of the novel, and the friendships that developed.An action packed adventure story about four unlikely friends who band together to make some changes in their Florida community. by Kokila But I am going to leave it at a 3, because it does have its flaws.Strange Birds draws the reader in like a fast-paced adventure through chapters from each of four girls' perspectives, instantly setting up the challenges in their lives: their families, their expectations, and their worries, fears, and greatest wishes. It’s not necessarily a moral story as the girls have lots of fun getting to know each other and causing #goodtrouble, but the message and the way it’s handled is solid.