Others just took it way to literally and seriously. He has open wounds and what we are led to believe a broken leg. I doubt it is a coincidence.It even explains why you NEED a memory wipe, since there are selective memories … to … be … wiped. And possible, M. Freeman knew it all along, but didn’t see any real use in retrieving the “sleepers”. Telescopes? I just watched the movie and I was totally confused about the ending.

So Jack 52 became unique just like Jack 49 was.

Jack rescues Julia, but has no idea who she is.

Their approximation on this Jack also served to be right, since this Jack, tech 49, was the most human among all of them, as a testament to which he frequently dreams of the black haired woman and the viewfinder atop Empire State Building.

However, this is also an unbecoming irony, since the unequivocal best part about a Agreeably so, ‘Oblivion’ does seem to struggle between intimacy and spectacle, and while it is most certainly a completely watchable film, there is no denying that the film works more as a popcorn entertainer than a head scratcher, which is again a contradiction, because somewhere beneath all the blitz and fury, there is a good film dealing with complex ideas and I dare say, even philosophical themes. Ridiculous switching to the bike instead of taking the bird.In reply to whoever wrote the original explanation, I think that a better analogy for the destruction of the Tet would be like when Capt. So the 6 people, 7 if you count Julia’s baby, were in hibernation and were Jack and Victoria’s shift relief. also OST and BGM are superior. That’s why such the strange expression when she snapped the pictureQuite surprising that the escape pod could repel tet’s tractor beam but the spacecraft couldn’t.Didn’t Julia get shot in the stomach? However, as they approached the Tet, the pyramid began drawing them in strongly despite reverse thrusters employed, and seeing a certain doomed fate, Jack undocks the ship’s sleep module, also containing Julia, to return in orbit safely around Earth. Saw the movie at the premier, so can’t be be sure. But at the end, he was different just like Jack 49 was. And just as they begun their journey, Tet showed up, and the Odessey got a “side mission”, to check out that big thingy out in space. That was exemplified perfectly when everyone who was infected/healed with/by the nanobots reacted the exact same way when ordered to. Watching the movie twice sort of clarified things but your page helped so much more.

Saw the movie at the premier, so can’t be be sure.

Freeman tempts him to see the truth.

Using the facility’s high-tech equipment, he heals the man instantly. The reason the Tet did this was because it needs energy from planets like earth similar to The movie starts with Jack Harper (Technician 49) and his female partner – who we eventually discover are clones of the original Jack Harper and commanding officer from 60 years ago. Someone trying to transcend current humanity and instead being destroyed by violent degenerates that fear what they cannot comprehend.Just watched this movie and immediately searched for answers!I think that you are forgeting the most imprtant fact. What if all the other 100 Jacks show up on Julia’s doorstep? I digress…this all leads back to my theory at the end that even though the flight suit says 52, it’s actually Jack 49. All the clones memories were erased for this exact reason. The reason for the same is the perceivable humanity that the Scavengers find in this one, since it is revealed that this Jack, Tech 49, often switched off his comms and ventured into a secret “earthly” habitat that he had maintained, his own sanctuary where he enjoys living by the lake, indulging in essential literature, including ‘A Tale of Two Cities’ and ‘War and Peace’, and listening to classic rock.

Another plot hole is when the truck splashing through the water was all that it took for Will to know they were coming.

Obviously, I’d think, it’s Jack persons all over the place, having their own area to move around and work in. The point I’m trying to make is that the hero and the villain are not always easy to cast. And mission control woke him up with “Ramble On” after 39 days in hibernation, so they were well on their way to Titan. Tet has a central control system (doesn’t every sci-fi movie? @MatthewD That parchment or thing that Julia rolls out was a gift from Jack 49. What’s likely is a blending of both. The first part in Jack’s realisation of the truth is his discovery of Julia, the same black-haired woman from his dreams, as one of the survivors of the ship that crash landed, following a transmission sent out by the scavengers using the Empire State Building’s antenna. And I can go on and on… Does anybody want somebody to write the book for it? No. We are led to believe she had the baby by herself (now 3 or 4-years old) and fended for the two until one day, Jack 52 and the Scavs find her. They reveal themselves as humans (not aliens) and tell him the truth.

I was confused about the picture as well until I watched the movie for the secondThanks for the break down.