Just a little, simple vid for these two. Winona and Raylan were married for six years. And at times, Winona was reminded that she loved him so much ... at times like this. Her eyes were heavy while she was feeding. he smiled back at her. I think you get that from me. She was a court stenographer at the Lexington Federal Courthouse, but left when she decided to find a much safer environment for her baby. And then, she smiled at him, again. Raylan Givens was born and raised in rural Harlan County, Kentucky, raised by his abusive, emotionally estranged father, Arlo Givens, his mother Frances Givens and his stepmother Helen Givens, Frances' sister. ""How are you doin', Winona?" Are you all checked in? As she returns the money to the evidence locker, "Raylan, you do a good job of hiding it. "And he shook his index finger, with her tiny fingers still wrapped around it, as if he was helping her shake a pom pom.

"Okay, what would you do if Art called and told you he needed you, right away? But that same ep, Art would mention that Raylan’s transfer started next week and Tim wouldn’t know if Raylan had known all along that this was about to happen. Now two-months-old, Cait was able to stay awake for longer and longer periods of time. It’s not. She convinces Raylan to help her return the money without alerting the authorities. Tonight, she could just relax and think only of herself. ""Thank you," she said, sounding very touched. Then, he carried her into the kitchen, heated up a bottle, and took her back into the bedroom where he fed her. "Did you just do what I think you did?" Off from work, he was watching a Wild Cats game with his new Suddenly, the cell phone on the end table was buzzing. she asked, touched by what he said.Raylan took in a deep breath and exhaled. "I know you are because that's what you do. Then, he crawled into bed and dimmed the light. That's not gas, is it Cait?" "This isn't going to work." "You know how much I hate to ask you to do this," Winona whined, out of breath and out of patience. Sometimes, people are disposable. She spontaneously steals an old $100 bill from the evidence locker in the US Marshal's Office. It would be too easy to cave and let Raylan take care of her. Bull. This fic is based on nothing but my imagination and takes place sometime after the end of Season 3.Legal: These characters do not belong to me.

!Well, the good news is, you seem to be in the right place.The drugs you stole and the man who stole them from you are here.Here's the deal, either of you move, I'll kill you.I'm saying all that smoking, and you just can't help yourself, can you?I just find out you two are responsible for hijacking a shipment of oxy, and I got to kill two morons to keep your asses out of jail.Cutter and Elrod told me it was you right before I killed them.Now you really wanna stir up that hornet's nest? She handed Raylan the baby, "But shit, I have to go." Takes place sometime after the end of Season 3. What do you think of that?If you had any smarts in that head of yours, you would get in your car right now, and you'd start driving, and you wouldn't stop until you saw the Everglades.Well, he's at Audry's, handing out oxycontin like he's a pharmaceutical rep.Hey, why don't you two kiss a little more so I can watch.Well, I always figured you for a special kind of idiot, Dewey Crowe, but what you have done in the past 12 hours is light years beyond any stupidity even I thought you were capable of.And I assume you were gonna tell me just as soon as you finished up here.Are you worried about looking like less than a man, 'cause I believe that ship has already sailed.You gonna stop shooting for a minute and let me get a word in? But that would mean relinquishing control over to him, and that was something she was not willing to do.Raylan leaned down and kissed Winona on the top of the head. ""Are you telling her stories?" This was a first for him. "Winona Hawkins was no more hormonal than the average new mother, but leaving her little one for the very first time was truly taking its toll.