This website uses cookies to provide you a great user experience. Soft plastics are no longer acceptable in the recycling bin, these need to be placed in the general waste bin. Before January 2018, approx 80% of Ireland’s plastic waste was going to China for recycling. Rigid plastics.“The prices paid for rigid plastics are by the pound. THE volume of rigid plastic recycled by Irish householders everyday would fill the Aviva Stadium to its roof in just three years.And Ireland’s three Regional Waste Management Offices (Connacht/Ulster, Eastern/Midlands, and Southern) believe the country has the capacity to recycle even more, benefiting the environment and preserving the earth’s depleting natural resources.75,000 tonnes of rigid plastics is directed to recycling from Irish households each year by way of the global economy that produced it, thereby significantly reducing potential landfill waste here and preventing further extraction of the earth’s finite resources.Declan Breen, Waste Prevention Officer with the EMWMO believes we can and should do better.“Ireland is currently recycling just 35% of its plastic waste and we can definitely improve on this. Over the last 3 years Ireland has recycled enough plastic to fill the Aviva Stadium – but this is just 35% of the country’s total plastic waste 18 May 2018 Ireland’s Waste Management Offices advise householders on recycling best practice.

Soft plastics don’t pay to recycle.

Soft plastics are no longer acceptable in the recycling bin, these need to be placed in the general waste bin. International re-processors pay for a clean, uncontaminated product.

Paper Towels / Napkins These items are … All too often plastics end up in our seas and oceans or dumped in landfill sites for centuries to come,” he said speaking on behalf of the country’s three waste management offices.“While reducing our dependency on single use plastic such as straws, plastic cups and cutlery would help, recycling is our best hope at producing other plastic objects into the future, and preventing an even bigger environmental crisis.”Dr.

95% of the potential economic value in plastic packaging currently goes to waste. However, rigid plastics like plastic bottles and trays are recyclable, once washed and dried.In this film, it exhibits the importance of placing only plastic items that are recyclable in the recycling bin. Oil comes from all over the world.

It is important to reduce the amount of waste being sent to landfill, especially recyclables, currently up to  40% of recycling waste collected from Irish households is contaminated, this is caused by incorrect plastics placed in the recycling bin or plastic packaging not being clean and dry.A single yogurt pot that is not washed of its contents before being placed in the bin, has the opportunity to contaminate your recycling bin, as shown in this film.Recycling facilities segregate the hard plastics in your recycling bin into individual plastic types.
These interconnections define the shape of our economy,” he said.To illustrate his point the acclaimed academic and author wrote a thesis following not only the production of the humble yogurt pot (link here), but also the recycling process after the pot has been washed, left to dry and then put loosely into the household recycling bin.“A yogurt tub is rigid plastic.
Millions of engineers, supply chain managers, and quite a few cows, too,” explained Dr Kinsella.“The tub is rigid plastic, so you pop it into your recycling bin filled with clean, loose, dry material. It’s an unbroken global chain. Stephen Kinsella, Senior Lecturer in Economics at the University of Limerick & Research Fellow at the University of Melbourne said, “The fundamental truth of the modern economy is that millions of humans around the world are involved in the production and recycling of plastic.”“Without the global recycling industry, we would have to burn, bury or recycle plastics ourselves here in Ireland,” warned Dr Kinsella, “and with our small population, plastic recycling doesn’t make economic sense, leaving the burn or bury options, which don’t make environmental sense.“By recycling well, and for a profit, these firms are helping save the environment.

Find out what paper, plastics, tins, cans and foil you can put in your recycling bin in Ireland.

The technology to recycle soft plastics such as wrappers is not yet available in Ireland’s recycling plants. All recyclable material must be clean, dry and placed loosely in the bin,” he said.“More questions can be answered by logging on to and by following us on Facebook or Twitter.” Your recycling may then get sent to one of Ireland’s three or four rapidly-filling landfills.

Recycling List Ireland have released a five minute film about Ireland’s place in the world’s production and reproduction of plastic. Due to the high volume of contamination, China announced it …

This is a vast and complex re-combination of miracles.

All plastics are recyclable in theory.

However, rigid plastics like plastic bottles and trays are recyclable, once washed and dried. You need an awful lot of clean, uncontaminated cling film before the economics make sense. Questions? Soft plastics go into your non-recycling bin. So into the non-recycling bin the soft plastics go.”“Today’s circular products need production and reproduction across the global economy. By recycling better we will not only reduce the need for incineration and landfill, we will also reduce the need for additional raw material extraction as more material will be available for reprocessing and reuse.”“Planet Earth does not have an infinite supply of raw materials from which to draw on to make more and more plastic. The oil rigs.

By helping them, we help ourselves.