Overall, its response rate is usually 5 to 9 times higher than any digital marketing medium. In its response rate report, the  Bizo and Epsilon data and found that direct mail achieves a 4.4% response rate, compared to 0.12% for email.Overall, the DMA found that direct mail’s response rates are actually anywhere from 10 to 30 times higher than that of digital. Bad addresses mean that you’re using bad data. (National Change of Address) is a database of all new address information filed with the USPS. Exceeding a 0.5% error rate for the month will now incur additional fees.Complying with these regulations, then, goes a long way toward achieving lower rates for your pre-sorted direct mail campaigns. Whether it’s credit bureaus, Facebook, banks, retailers, medical or voting records … there seems to be no guarantee that any of our most personal information is safe from hackers or thieves from anywhere on the planet.Another one of the results of this near-constant state of war is apprehension, if not a complete lack of trust, in the ability of any company to protect their clients’ data.To make sure this doesn’t happen to you, be proactive in safeguarding all of your data, no matter how or where it’s housed.

It also leaves a bad impression with clients.There are several tools you can use to keep your lists in continuous great shape. If the idea of recycling old marketing techniques piques your interest, read on to know why direct mail is still relevant in 2020. Postal Service that corrects and standardizes address elements like zip codes and misspelled street or city names. Legend has it that if you close the lights, look into a mirror and say “Bloody Mary” three times, you will summon the ghost of an executed witch.For marketers and business owners, one of the biggest urban legends is: Direct mail is dead. Take regular steps, like keeping up with the latest security procedures, as well as all software and hardware updates.
Whether you want to chuck it on bad luck or market oversaturation, it is becoming harder to stand out as a business nowadays. Gallup reported that of people under the age of 30 look forward to checking their mailboxes every day. Demand Metric, in partnership with PFL, conducted a benchmark study, “Multichannel Marketing Maximizing Program Engagement and ROI”. We’ve sent it and received it, opened it, saved it and thrown it away for much of our lives. This too may be something of an urban legend.The fact is, a significant percentage of millennials like mail. The general perception of millennials is that they were practically raised with iPhones or tablets in their hands and would never be interested in anything as old world as postal mail. Email disappears within seconds, while 17 days is the average lifespan for Direct Mail in a consumer’s home. Mailing.com is a third-generation print and mail company serving direct marketers of all company sizes for 50+ years.This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.Data is central to everything in direct marketing. Direct mail is highly effective on its own; however, when you combine it with other marketing channels, it gets even better.

Numbers tell the story better than any one article, and they prove why people are in love with Direct Mail. It notes that consumers, overwhelmed by inboxes cluttered with unsolicited marketing emails, are more receptive to direct mail, which arrives on a much less-cluttered channel.Even the most obvious junk mail in your mailbox has something that few marketing emails will ever possess: the reality factor. Why wouldn’t you want to save as much as possible on your postage and printing costs?

(Coding Accuracy Support System) is a certification offered by the U.S. Postal Service). Many businesses fail to take advantage of this marketing method because of the developments of digital marketing that have come up in recent years. There is a lot that goes into preparing your data for direct mail. Direct mail is still as effective as it has ever been. Take a detailed inventory of where it’s all stored – both in-house and with third-party – before developing plans to keep it secure. And you should also reassure your clients that they – and their customers – are in safe hands … yours. Because of the rise of its importance to the industry, a few years ago the DMA changed its name to the Data and Marketing Association. It was killed by the internet.However, it’s not just alive and well, but in fact, direct mail could be considered superior to other marketing channels based on recent statistics and studies.Though there has been a reduction in response rate for direct mail over the last ten years, it’s still holding strong. With an average of almost 40 million Americans moving every year, the importance of cross-referencing your data using this process cannot be understated.

Why wouldn’t you want to save as much as possible on your postage and printing costs? It’s a tangible form of better investments and high earnings.

What Exactly Is Direct Mail? Mail that gets returned has to be handled and processed by USPS, then by you. In short, direct mail is a piece of marketing literature that is sent via traditional mail (through the U.S.