and knowledge and were able to use it as an example for our elections, it is true that these were unique elections,” said Ukrainian President Zelensky.“The other thing, There’s a lot of talk about Biden’s son,. © Sean Hannity and 2020. © 2020 iHeartMedia, Inc. All Rights Reserved. You want to know who was open for business?” Trump’s personal lawyer Jay Sekulow answered back.“When the vice president of the United States was charged by the then-president of the United States with developing policies to avoid and assist in removing corruption from Ukraine — and his son was on the board of a company that was under investigation for Ukraine,” an indignant Sekulow said, referring to then-Vice President Joe Biden spearheading the Obama administration’s corruption efforts in Ukraine when his son, Hunter, was sitting on the board of Ukrainian energy company Burisma, which had been under investigation.“And you’re concerned about what Rudy Giuliani, the president’s lawyer, was doing when he was over trying to determine what was going on in Ukraine?” Sekulow said in astonishment.Sekulow said it was “ironic” that Democrats were questioning Trump’s discussion with the Ukrainian president when during special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation three Democratic senators sent a letter in May 2018 to Ukraine’s prosecutor general warning him not to impede the probe.“And you’re asking about whether foreign investigations are appropriate I think answers itself,” Sekulow said.He was responding to an answer from Schiff to a question to both sides posed by Democratic Sens. Jay Sekulow, on behalf of the President, struck back at Schiff and the Dems today in the opening of the impeachment trial. Kamala Harris of California, Tammy Duckworth of Illinois and Jack Reed of Rhode Island about who was paying Giuliani for his work in Ukraine.“I don’t know who is paying Rudy Giuliani’s fees. January 30, 2020. Attorney Jessie Liu has recommended moving forward with charges against “The potential charges relate to DOJ inspector general findings against him regarding misleading statements concerning a Hillary Clinton-related investigation,” adds McCabe was recently hired as a commentator for CNN. Adam Schiff, the lead impeachment manager for the Democrats answered a question asking who paid Rudy Giuliani for his work in Ukraine. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our Because President Obama asserted executive privilege,” Sekulow noted. And he was ON POINT! that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great. The President was denied the right to access evidence. It has been so painful watching Schiff, Pelosi, and Nadler’s hypocrisy and lies. Sekulow: “After 31 or 32 times you said you proved every aspect of your case… Trump lawyer Sekulow rips Schiff over who paid Giuliani for Ukraine work. During the proceedings that took place before the Judiciary Committee, the President was denied the right to cross-examine witnesses. 36 views . Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it… It sounds horrible to me,” Trump added.Chief counsel at the American Center for Law & Justice Jay Sekulow stopped by ‘Hannity’ Thursday to discuss Andrew McCabe’s potential legal troubles; saying his perjury probe is “just the beginning” for former DOJ officials.“I think his lawyers made an attempt to get the case killed, obviously the US attorney thought there was a case that should be brought… The US attorney can now proceed with bringing a case, it will go to the grand jury,” said Sekulow.“It’s not just one count with McCabe, it’s at least three according to the report. I want to be clear, I think this is just the beginning of the problem for the individuals that were running the Department of Justice,” he added.US Attorney Jessie Liu officially recommended proceeding with charges against former FBI official Andrew McCabe Thursday afternoon over his handling of sensitive material during Hillary’s email investigation.“U.S. It’s perjury, that’s what this allegation is. Sekulow was even able to get Rep. Schiff to agree with his assessment of where the arguments now stand. One of the lead lawyers representing President Trump erupted in outrage Thursday when Rep. Adam Schiff, the lead impeachment manager for the Democrats answered a question asking who paid Rudy Giuliani for his work in Ukraine by concluding, “The American presidency is open for business.”“I will tell you who is open for business. Trump lawyer Sekulow rips Schiff … I loathe this whole impeachment. Schiff also talked about a trifecta… I’ll give you a trifecta. And if he is not being paid by the president to conduct the domestic political errand for which he has devoted so much time, if other clients and paying and subsidizing his work in that respect, it raises profound questions,” Schiff, the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, told the senators.“The whole country is paying the freight” for Giuliani’s efforts in Ukraine, Schiff said. “There are leaders around the world watching this and saying the American presidency is open for business.”Trump lawyer Sekulow rips Schiff over who paid Giuliani for Ukraine workWe and our partners use cookies on this site to improve our service, perform analytics, personalize advertising, measure advertising performance, and remember website preferences.

“Mr. But now, it’s becoming a … Trump lawyer Sekulow rips Schiff over who paid Giuliani for Ukraine work. ersonal counsel for President Trump, Jay Sekulow, destroyed the Democrats’ demands for witnesses in the Senate impeachment trial in less than 30 seconds. The President was denied the right to have counsel present,” said Sekulow.