It’s just nice releasing something that a lot of people, like I’ve never seen one so I’m really excited to see it.No! Get off! The last show was The Great Escape Festival.I’ve never seen anything like it. And they’re like, “Sorry, are you guys waiting?” We’re getting to watch you soundcheck. They’re supporting us in Brighton at our free show coming up, it’s pretty cool.Well…. It’s got a lot more of a story to it like a concept so yeah it’s with my friend call Paul Steel. Beige (Live at King Tuts) 25. I don’t know how it happened but our manager was like, “You need a record.” And we were like, “… Okay.” So we just found a month off. Brighton feels more like a base to me. Beautiful.” So yeah, you’ve just got to get that balance of trusting and listening to someone else’s opinion on your song. I’m all over covers right now… Yeah, well this is a bit of an… exclusive but me and my friend have done a record and it’s going to come out next year. There’s no place for it and they’re just such professionals. It was ace for us because we’ve got a lot of friends in hardcore bands, and we’re always like, “Ah! We were like, “Agh!

And after Manchester Orchestra we have about a month and a half off so we’re going to try and write a record…Yeah! It’s hard. This is amazing. But you don’t need to take hours for a soundcheck. He was like, “Try this here and that.” And we were like, “It’s never going to work…” And then we’re like, “Ah! He was like, “You guys are… really good.”I dropped out… So did Jordan. They were like, “That was awesome, that was so much fun” because they were like a human barracde and then the bar staff came outside and started shouting at me for ‘enticing’ the crowd and I didn’t do that.Yeah, I don’t talk! There’s no need for it. Like everyone’s been asking us if they’re nice guys and they are such good dudes so to be on that tour was a real… I don’t know… It was very surreal but we learnt a lot from them – how to act on and off stage.They’ve been such a big band for so long and just to be like you know good people on and off stage. It’s still being manufactured so the fact that when you get a 7” vinyl you know exactly what it is. We’ve started writing some stuff… We think it’s good but if it’s actually good, time can only tell because we’ll go and record the record like mid-day next year probably and if the songs are still good, and still sound good to us then it’s a good sign.Yeah, [Mike] Sapone did that – the guy who produced our last record – so he did that with us. It was just really compact and there isn’t much privacy in a van but it was pretty intense but we stepped up. Yeah, they’re one of our favourite bands so we’re excited.Yeah! 'In The Cold We Smile' turned 10 years old on March 30, earlier this year. We had a fridge but it had to be taken out because we weren’t using it. We’re so ahead of the curve, this is great!” And then… We got told a band released a 7” on chocolate… And it worked on the vinyl player. The XCERTS are re-releasing their debut album 'In The Cold We Smile' with an additional 13 bonus tracks, and are going to play the album in full on a UK tour later this year. It’s a lot of pianos and horns. In the United States "Drinking in L.A." failed to generate interest from alternative stations, but in the United Kingdom and Canada, it continues to generate airplay. Like I say it before every show now so all I say now is, “Rock solid.” And then still we go out there and we’re like, “Agh…Oh my god. It really… Last year we had a really really small van and we did so much touring and we were so tired with being with that van. No one else is releasing on flexi-disc.

I’m better at this than school.” And our original drummer lived in London and we’re like, “We could go to this college in Brighton and see what happens.” Then we actually met our manager on the first day we moved to Brighton. They ripped off a chandelier.

But we went on a bit of a Bran Van 3000 spree because we were like, “Has anyone else heard of their stuff?” And I found a record in a charity shop and I was like, I love that song so we started listening to Bran Van 3000 and the rest of their stuff is rubbish. It’s not anything like The Xcerts sound which is more personal but this stuff is really like the lyrics are pretty nonsensical at times. But it was fun and we’ve been there with Blood Red Shoes before so we’re going back there for a month and that takes us to Christmas so then we’ll come back…Yep, Christmas record then we’ll be writing the next Xcerts record then… more touring.

It’s perfect.” You’re never going to learn as a songwriter but we’ve been pretty rigorous with our new stuff and very militant about what’s making the cut and what’s not because we really want to write an incredible record.Right… The reason behind the re-release is because one, we didn’t think it got the publicity it deserved the first time round and it was quite a rushed release for us because we wanted to get festivals and we thought we needed a new single and it was all a bit hectic so we wanted to give it more time and get a really good radio plug on it which is what we’ve got now. There Will Be No Miracles Here (Demo) 24. Yeah, I know. Um… Second reason is because we’re playing a lot of shows to new people and they’re just getting on board so saying we’ve got a new single coming out is kind of quite exciting for them and it introduces them to the record and then, that’s kind of the main reasons.

If you’re too tight about it and you’re like, “No one can touch this. But yeah, the whole place went nuts. We’re going on tour next month with Manchester Orchestra…Ah, really? They’re really dark and really funny. I don’t know if we’re supporting but we’re going to do a headline tour some point because that’s well overdue.Enter your email address to follow our blog and receive notifications of new posts by email.Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: