and just because she has that raw potential doesn't mean she can draw on it yet. Jaina fought tougher opposition than Praetorian Guards in the form of Yuuzhan Vong warriors, numerous times. I don't know why we feel the need to direct compare female characters though. That doesn’t mean anything. She even killed Darth Caedeus. Solo family tree House of Organa: Skywalker family: Han Solo: Leia Organa: Ben Solo: Legends.

Family tree. No matter it's lightsaber dueling skills or force powers comparisons Jaina basically shat on Ren. Karen’s badass mando team got murderized by Jacen in the next book. Her and Jacen's arc (at least on paper) is more intriguing and emotional to me than Rey's. unless the Mary Sue Rey gets the benefit of plot. to be fair still reads like fanfiction but at least is a decent reason Jaina Solo is from the expanded (extended?)

OT, Jaina. Gotta go with the entire depiction. This is obviously stomp thread, as Rey are going to lose horribly against an fully trained Jedi Master (IIRC, she was considered as master last time I remember). Better at? If it was Jaina from around Rey's age or younger, at least it could possibly be a fight.

Is there anything in the EU as good as Rey's introduction in TFA?man reading that legends article on jaina solo is a tripJaina was fucking awesome. In fairness to Jacen, he wasn't actually trying to win, but rather was devoting like 90% of his energy and attention to contacting Tenel Ka via the force and screaming at her to run with Allana because of the nanovirus. Cause I'm smelling a spite match. It's the same character and they're all the same character arc Knowledge: Neither opponent knows anything about the other Her entire arc in Legacy of the Force was more interesting than Rey's in the sequel trilogy.They should have had Jar Jar as a baby so we could finally get Master Sith Jar Jar.Jaina for me, but I also had years of reading about and growing up with the character to get invested in her and her arc.TROS is junk but come on, my guy. They can make it be high end animated style and get people who sound like Luke and Leia to be a part of it.

Dan reviews Star Wars The Black Series Jaina Solo. You must log in or register to reply here. unless the Mary Sue Rey gets the benefit of plot. TROS is junk but come on, my guy. Training under Boba Fett was dumb as was Boba Fett becoming Mandalore but Jaina had some great stories in the old EU even if she had the "Bloodline makes you the most important person in the universe" trope going on. a free-for-all bonanza that spawned a giant mountain of weird stuff, the weight of which produced enough heat and pressure to make some diamonds One of these days, Disney will just say 'screw it' and have the Thrawn trilogy be canon and make films of the trilogy. Just noticed that-edited it. After helping Rey defeat her grandfather, he sacrifices himself to save Rey by giving his life force to her. Except Jaina was not abandoned on some desert planet from childhood. I have only heard of Rey, so I chose her even though she sucksEveryone saying "Rey outside of TLJ" are cheating. Given the same amount of time I’d say she would be as good if not better. I don't know why we feel the need to direct compare female characters though. In fact OP needs to put "skywalker" next to her name in the OP.Start a new thread to share your experiences with like-minded people.We want to create an inspiring environment for our members and have defined a set of guidelines. Oh crap, so sorry about that-I hit the create thread button by mistake. She's a Jedi Master and the only other person in the order who's on her level is maybe-Kyp (Luke higher, everyone else lower). Someone trained by Karen Traviss's breed of Mandolorian is absolutely going to slaughter someone from the Disney Era of Star Wars

From what I read in the now considered "legend" literature, Jaina and Rey are essentially very similar. So we have one of the main heroines of the legends post ROTJ going against the main heroine of the ST and NuCanon. The only area in which Jaina and Rey are close is simple force potential, but Jaina Solo's is polished and developed and gone through a ton of battles. She had a single lesson with Luke in the use of the force. JavaScript is disabled. At best?That's at least a tougher consideration than Ben/Kylo Ren vs Jacen/Darth Caedus as who is the better dipshit son of Han and Leia to try and be the new vader (It's Ben by far)

That's at least a tougher consideration than Ben/Kylo Ren vs Jacen/Darth Caedus as who is the better dipshit son of Han and Leia to try and be the new vader (It's Ben by far)I voted Jania even though she has quite a bit of dumb writing and plot points (anything involving Mandalorian shit, Fel Empire, Swarm, etc were garbage fires), so it is not like she wins by much At best?EU concepts were just flat out better. His affection for Rey and his parents ultimately turn him back to the light side and he becomes Ben Solo again. All I needed to see was the title to know that Jaina Solo wins and does so handily.
Jaina was always boring to me as a kid, as was every Skywalker/Solo in those books. So we have one of the main heroines of the legends post ROTJ going against the main heroine of the ST and NuCanon.All I needed to see was the title to know that Jaina Solo wins and does so handily. I get why people shit on Boba Fett a lot but he was a cool character in the old EU for the most part. How metal do you have to be to be called the Sword of the Jedi?

Skill wouldn’t be a fair comparison considering Rey is relatively late in training. Jaina Solo will be taken from the timeframe of invincible-she is 32 years old or so and is uninjured and at full health. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Better question, was making it at all necessary? I fell off the EU before it got really crazy with the Yuuzhan Vong and Darth Caedus stuff, but I've read up on it a bit. Luke at least was a Skywalker and was naturally gifted with the Force and he piloted a ship before the events of ep 4. Plus she earned all the notches on her belt and trained under a wide variety of masters to learn a great deal of varied techniques. It probably helps when the writers understand the universe. Star Wars universe now referred to as "Legacy Era" because all …