This truck calls for Dextron V or Mercon V.We're gonna put the funnel in the tube where the dipstick came out of. Order your parts online or pick them up in-store at your local Advance Auto Parts.

Check Transmission Specifications of Isuzu can be done here. When it comes to your Isuzu NPR-HD, you … We want to do everything we can to help you succeed and to keep your Isuzu NPR box trucks, Mitsubishi Fuso, Hino and UD mid-range box trucks, Chevy W3500, W4500, W5500 trucks and any other vehicles in your fleet running.Please call us for any information or assistance with your Isuzu NPR box trucks, Check your Brakes Before Hitting the road this Summer10 Signs of an Issue with the Transmission in your Medium-Duty TruckBusbee's Thank You to Truck Drivers During the Coronavirus PandemicMitsubishi Fuso Introduces New Gasoline-Powered Work Truck Line-Up20 Reasons Your Medium-Duty Truck is Overheating (Part 2)What to Do If You Run Your NPR or NQR 4HK1 Diesel Engine Out of FuelTruck Battery or Alternator: How to Tell Where the Problem IsHow To Find Vin Number on the Isuzu NPR & NQR, GMC W-Series, and Mitsubishi Fuso Signs and Symptoms That Your Isuzu NPR, Mitsubishi Fuso, Hino or UD Truck is Overheating8 Signs of Transmission Problems in Your Import TruckThanks for your interest in Busbee's Trucks And Parts. We carry hundreds of salvaged medium duty trucks and commercial box trucks for parts including: This question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions. We have had several transmissions that were burnt-up under warranty because they had used regular Dexron/Mercon fluid.Isuzu started producing this transmisison in mid-2007, some '07 models use the fluid and some don't.

If you own a 1997 Isuzu, though, this task can seem a little confusing.

If you have a 2007 model Isuzu NPR or NQR, you can easily identify if you have the old style '07 or the new style '07, by the door handle. It's that easy. From late 2007 and up, NQR and NPR Imported Trucks come with a new type of automatic transmission that requires an inexpensive silicone-based transmission fluid.We have already seen what using the wrong fluid will do to the transmission. But you can extend the life of your Isuzu, Mitsubishi Fuso, Nissan UD, and GMC transmission by checking your fluid regularly. provides you with access to material and information from public databases.

Check prices & reviews on aftermarket & stock parts for your 2002 NPR-HD Automatic Transmission Fluid. The Aisin 450-43LE transmission is a four speed computer controlled transmission with converter lock up found in Isuzu NPR, NQR trucks, GM W3500 and W4500 trucks Nissan UD trucks and Mitsubishi Fuso trucks. One of the ways you can extend the life of your transmission is by checking the fluid regularly, and knowing what to look for, and knowing when to change your fluid. The oil filter tube is up in the middle of the engine.Pull the dipstick all the way out. Anything later than '07 will require the new transmission fluid and late model 2007 trucks will require the new transmission fluidLate model 2007 trucks will require the new silicone-based fluid such as Isuzu SCS Automatic Transmission Fluid -- Isuzu part # 2-90531-200-0. The SCS is the new silicone-based one.We realize that the trucks that we sell parts for are critical for your business. It's also very important to put a good grade of transmission fluid in it, and to know your manufacturer's specifications. You can have a service manager or good mechanic change the fluid, what that would entail would be dropping the pan, and change the filter, along with a good grade of tranmission fluid. It is very importantt not to mix the fluids, Also, you can identify what fluid you need by looking at the top of the disptick tube located on the driver's side of the truck aftery oyou've flipped the cab forward .The dispstick tube will be located right where the motor and transmission bolt together just behind where the starter bolts to the transmission. Late model 2007 trucks will require the new silicone-based fluid such as Isuzu SCS Automatic Transmission Fluid -- Isuzu part # 2-90531-200-0. Keep in mind that it's usually around a 25,000 interval that it needs changing.

Part of extending the life of your vehicle involves regularly checking the car's fluids to make sure it is properly lubricated.

If you have a 2007 model Isuzu NPR or NQR, The old style, early 2007 model has a horizontal door handle:The new style, late 2007 model has a vertical door handle:If you have the new style - a late '07 (bottom photo) - you need to use the silicone-based fluid such as Isuzu SCS Automatic Transmission Fluid -- Isuzu part # 2-90531-200-0. The best part is, our Isuzu NPR-HD Automatic Transmission Fluid products start from as little as $6.74. You can have a service manager or good mechanic change the fluid, what that would entail would be dropping the pan, and change the filter, along with a good grade of tranmission fluid.By following these tips, you are less likely to have problems this fall If you or a co-worker is in an accident and you need replacement parts for your medium or heavy duty commercial truck, call us at (803) 564-3228 or (877) 564-6307. What you want to look for is a red color at the end of the dipstick. Compare 2002 Isuzu NPR-HD Automatic Transmission Fluid brands. Advance Auto Parts has 2 different Automatic Transmission Fluid for your vehicle, ready for shipping or in-store pick up.

This one is actually low in fluid, so we're gonna add fluid today.You can add fluid through the dipstick tube with a good, clean, small tip funnel. For some Free technical information such as pressure testing transmission, component locations, applied elements and some … Checking and changing the transmission fluid is essential for truck longevity and will extend the life of your engine. You can rais the cab by pulling the three safety handles and raise it up.

The recommended fluid for the Aisin 450-43LE transmission is DexronIII. Learn how to change transmission fluid in your Today we're gonna talk about checking your transmission fluid. At the top of that tube, the small print will tell you what kind of fluid your truck requires, an SCS fluid or an ATM fluid. This includes the transmission fluid, which should be checked every two to three months.