There are more options there and employment, but the crime there seems to far outweigh the crime in the Burlington area. Plenty of things to do here from funcity, to swimming as well as a great selection of bars and restaurants that are family friendly.Very good community to live in. There are hardly any jobs. Moved here from Detroit area and love it. It is a fast growing diverse community. With it's scenic views, optional privacy, or fast-passed city vibe, you can have the best of both worlds.Burlington is a beautiful town with many historic sites and beautiful riverside scenery. The crime rate is definitely on the rise. Wish a produce Whole foods or Trader Joe's wouldcomei. Most of the smaller stores have closed down, the mall is horrible because the rent is to expensive. Overall, it is not a horrible place to live, just not where I would want to raise my children.I think our town has a very interesting history and I like learning about it. Burlington holds name to the "crookedest" alley in the US, named Snake Alley. The public school system is complete trash. I wish we had a few more options as far as shopping centers, but if that's my biggest complaint, we have it pretty good!It's a historic town with beautiful, old architecture. To not want anything back after helping someone in need.I was born and raised in Burlington; I went to school here, got my first job here, overall it's a good town. It also has a variety of food places to eat at. Burlington liegt im Südosten Iowas am westlichen Ufer des Die geografischen Koordinaten von Burlington sind 40°48'29" nördlicher Breite und 91°06'57" westlicher Länge. Over the years the dynamics of this small town have drastically changed, some for the better and others not so much. the safety here is also terrible. People are friendly. Really love it here. The town has added different shopping and dining choices over the years but they are still very limited. Now there are what seems like constant sirens, weekly shootings, burglaries, attacks of innocent victims, and a very large drug problem. Der höchste gehört zur Ethnisch betrachtet setzte sich die Bevölkerung zusammen aus 88,2 Prozent Weißen, 7,2 Prozent Afroamerikanern, 0,3 Prozent amerikanischen Ureinwohnern, 0,8 Prozent Asiaten, 0,1 Prozent Polynesiern sowie 0,7 Prozent aus anderen ethnischen Gruppen; 2,9 Prozent stammten von zwei oder mehr Ethnien ab.

Many people may say that Burlington has gone downhill because of crime rates, but the truth is crime has gone up everwhere. There are many cute local shops and bars downtown. Niche requires Javascript to work correctly. However, it's the largest down in the entire area, and there's not a whole ton to do.

It's something to be proud of.i'm currently living in this crappy town, and if you hadn't got the hint yet, i hate this town. I'm surprised more people aren't living here. Burlington ist eine Stadt (mit dem Status „City“) und Verwaltungssitz des Des Moines Countys im US-amerikanischen Bundesstaat Iowa.Im Jahr 2010 hatte Burlington 25.663 Einwohner, deren Zahl sich bis 2013 auf 25.725 erhöhte. It's the best place to drive around and look at old homes. You get to know a lot of people and everyone is supportive of your successes. Living in Burlington has helped me understand how to be a true friend to people and how to help people the right way. Also everything closes early. Now, not so much. Unabhängig von der ethnischen Zugehörigkeit waren 3,1 Prozent der Bevölkerung spanischer oder lateinamerikanischer Abstammung. Your chance of becoming a victim in Burlington is one in 172 based on the total crime rate (violent and property crimes, … Overall if I had the ability to live somewhere else I would not choose to live in Burlington.Lots of places to eat. Clean it up and keep a nice yard. Not too much violence, although there is some.I have lived here my entire life. One popular rumor is that Tyson (a meat production company) advertised Southeastern Iowa jobs in the Chicago area, and would provide bus transporation to a town near Burlington. Almost a monopoly ran by Randy Winegard. One of the best things about it is that it's right on the Mississippi River, which many people overlook since we always have it. Plus it has some entertainment with FunCity.I was raised in Burlington and left as soon as I turned 18. There is not many things for kids to do and the parks are usually overgrown with weeds.......This is a very small and boring place to live.I think Burlington needs a change instead of it being so boring. There is also a mall; however most of the units are empty, stores come and go on a regular basis and very quickly, and it is overall a very sad attempt at a mall. Industriebetriebe wie der Landmaschinenbauer Im Jahre 1837 wurde Burlington kurzzeitig Hauptstadt des Burlington war in der Zeit der Dampfschifffahrt auf dem Mississippi River ein geschäftiger Flusshafen und ein wichtiger Bahnhof der Der wahrscheinlich markanteste Eindruck an der Silhouette der Stadt bilden die Kirchtürme. The dynamics of this city have changed drastically. Quad Cities are supposed to be such a great place to live and I watch TV and see all the crime there. 23,7 Prozent der Bevölkerung waren unter 18 Jahre alt, 58,9 Prozent waren zwischen 18 und 64 und 17,4 Prozent waren 65 Jahre oder älter. In Burlington gibt es zwei Brücken über den Mississippi: