We found a welcome space and a few friends who we shared some recipes with. PM me and I'll email screen dumps of how to find the way...I don't think you will be allowed to post that as it is copyrighted information and Minimins could get into trouble. ).Sorry I’ve been a bit MIA lately. Slimming World » What's the nicest HEB bread?! Fry off the chicken peppers & onions till lightly browned.Add all other ingredients and bring to the boil as below:If you’re adding sugar snap peas do so now and turn the heat up to medium – high until chicken & veg cooked and the sauce had thickened.Delicious! Tag the fellow slimmers you’re looking forward to sharing a laugh – and a big dose of weight-loss inspiration!

I am now officially 9 1/2 lbs away from my original target and looking at my weight loss tracker on the SW website I am on course to hit my target by the beginning of July. Start new thread in this topic | Watch this thread | Flip this thread | Refresh the display Add a message; This is page 1 of 1 (This thread has 11 messages.) I am completely stuffed! This weight loss forum is dedicated to counting Syns, achieving your target and maintaining the new slimmer you. iv always stuck with the same things but it appears baby does not like alpens atm and im trying to re-work my plans, but i always use my HEB for breaky and need to work my other meals around this. I am umming and ahhing over my target a little bit though because I’m not sure if it’s Also something the stand in leader said last night really struck a chord with me, she said if you’re happy with yourself and in yourself now , why try and hit a magical number? I followed this up with a crispy apple as I didn’t have any tomatoes or mushrooms to add some speed foods because I need to go shopping. Hi im new to slimming world and i just wondered if i could have kingsmill wholemeal bread (800g) as an HEB and if so how many slices i can have if not does anyone know how many syns each slice is on EE thank you :) Made my day & feeling motivated to try and hit target now. I've mostly had eggs and toast for breakfast, or mullerlight and fruit, and a few days some bacon (fat cut off of course). IMAGE See more ideas about Slimming world, Heb, Slimming world recipes. !LOST 4STONE 12 lbs between January 6th 2010 & 30th March 2011!! After being prescribed some heavy pain killers to help me deal with a severe case of sciatica, I’m feeling really anxious about the next few weeks and how this will affect my weight loss.I am in so much pain that exercising is going to be a no go (even walking gently around the house is leaving me in mega pain at the moment) so the only thing I can really do is eat to plan and make sure I have low syns each day. Probably best to take down that post and just direct Fern to where she can find the information herself online Thank you Circes. You’re not cheating to change your goal. I'd been weighing myself at home so I had an idea of how much weight I'd lost, and was pleased that their scales concurred. I went back on Wednesday for my weigh in, and even talked to people this time! HEB for the oats. Is anyone else still on with their new year health and slimming kicks? thanks in advance! I know calcium etc is very important to the plan, however I don't drink tea or coffee so struggle to get my 2 x heA in. See more ideas about Slimming world, Slimming world recipes and World recipes. I was having my hair done this morning so skipped breakfast in favour of a HUGE brunch. Never thought I’d see the day when I could fit my ass into a UK size 10 jeans & shorts! List of HEB ??? The easiest Slimming World Pancakes. I have to admit something I’ve kept secret for a long time, one of my biggest fears is doing things on my own. I went back on Wednesday for my weigh in, and even talked to people this time! Tomorrow I’m going to try spicy chicken drumsticks so I’ll post the recipes after.This is chicken marinated in tandorri curry spice, some cayenne pepper and a little garam masala. HEB / HXB / HEXB: Healthy Extra B – your measured daily allowance of fibre (bread, cereals, crackers, etc.) Come and see how you can eat and loose weight! See more ideas about Slimming world syns, Slimming world tips, Slimming world recipes. Meaning I have 1 x heA today and 2 x heB. A big complaint of Slimming World is that it’s hard to find a decent dip or snack – now that we’ve discovered Broghies we’re snacking for England. The other downside is the painkillers I am taking make me retain water so I am bound to be a little heavier from that but trying not to get too disheartened. You must log in or register to reply here. Last night was my first weigh in in 4 weeks so I was nervous!

I was a bit sceptical as I could not imagine how it would taste but it was lush! We have done since the very first time we walked through the doors to lose some weight. Are you a Slimming World member or thinking of joining? I'm not sure if I'll find the group sessions at all useful. The thought of even going shopping on my own triggers negative thoughts such as you’re not good enough, everyone is staring at you, you look out of place, you don’t belong here & everyone knows. For lunches I've been having leftovers, soup, or ready cooked chicken and vegetables with some cottage cheese.

For dinner tonight I decided to try out these: They are synned so you do need to take that into account but I’ve had no syns today so that wasn’t a concern to me. They are synned so you do need to take that into account but I’ve had no syns today so that wasn’t a concern to me.Below is the syns for this flavour, I think each type varies slightly on syn value.You literally just wrap the chicken in the paper & pop in a frying pan – the instructions say for 10 minutes and didn’t  mention turning but I found they take much longer than this and I needed to flip them over to ensure they were completely cooked & that one side didn’t burn/over brown.To be honest they were a little bit of a faff and I am so funny about how I cook chicken/if it’s cooked through that next time I would avoid their instructions to pan cook (I found that this over browned the seasoning on one side despite cooking on the lowest setting) and I would try my mother in laws advice and use the George Forman.