Lost Laboratory of Kwalish

Bard Spells Harpies had coal-black eyes in faces like cruel old women, with hair that was filthy, tangled, and crusted with old dry blood. Wayfinder's Guide to Eberron

The harpy sings a magical melody. 1 Harpy; 2 Physical Description; 3 History; 4 Society; 5 Harpy Names; 6 Harpy Traits. Redeem A Key Order History

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Harpies are skilled on the ground and in the air, able to use their talons if unbroken and sing a song to captivate her foe.

Mordenkainen's Fiendish Folio Vol. "Only one with a strong heart, mind or soul can take a stand against the mind set that all are evil.

Harpies need human men in order to reproduce, and because of the warmongering of her predecessor, her population's survival was at stake. Collections

Design Note: See Flying Races (5e Guideline) "Only one with a strong heart, mind or soul can take a stand against the mind set that all are evil.

My Homebrew Collection Sorcerer Spells

Todd Talks

The Tortle Package Dragon of Icespire Peak The men are there for fodder, as mates, and to look pretty in most harpies eyes. Subscriptions If the Charmed target is more than 5 ft. away from the harpy, the must move on its turn toward the harpy by the most direct route. Medium monstrosity, chaotic evil . So it is not uncommon to see a man leading a group. New Player Guide Many would-be killer has shattered his teeth on her, so the fight will be difficult.

Divine Contention To restore her population, Queen Harpy ordered her fellows to kidnap men from Happiness Village and mate with them; she was generally against that idea, but knowing the men would instantly refuse, the Queen had no other option than extinction. Druid Spells Armor Class 11 Hit Points 38 (7d8 + 7) Speed 20 ft., fly 40 ft. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA; 12 (+1) 13 (+1) 12 (+1) 7 (-2) 10 (+0) 13 (+1) Senses: passive Perception 10 Languages Common Challenge 1 (200 XP) Actions.

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Coming from no one set home, the origin of Harpies is hearsay. They can form close personal relationships with those around them and tend to be very loyal to those they find trustworthy. Be warned that the beastie is no nestling.

Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes Multiattack: The harpy makes two attacks: one with its claws …

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Wizard Spells A level 4 party can usually deal with 4 of these things pretty easily. Eberron: Rising from the Last War Marketplace Contents. It can stop singing at any time.

The brave soul that rids us of this winged bitch will not regret it. Sourcebooks My Encounters Tomb of Annihilation My Campaigns

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The names sometimes sound like mixes of french and german, or even babylonian or greek. Rise of Tiamat All Spells The Arabic, Croatian, Greek, Thai andTurkish names given are not official. 6.1 Warwing; 6.2 Soulcaller; 7 Random Height and Weight; Harpy.

A harpy had the upper body of a female humanoid and the lower body of an reptilian creature, with scaly legs, clawed feet, and clawed hands with knotty fingers.

Its sweet song has lured countless adventurers to their deaths. Storm Lord's Wrath Monsters

The Queen Harpy is the ruler of the harpies in Monster Girl Quest. Harpy Queen Contract Attention! Dungeon of the Mad Mage