I am just singing about Zelda and Majora’s Mask in the Milk Bar. Everyone has played EarthBound, we don’t need to spoiler-tag anything.I never said “Mother 3.” This is a topic in the EarthBound thread, and this whole topic is about whether or not we like “Pokey” or “Porky” better, so everyone is aware that “Porky” is the Mother 2 name for him. (My best guess would be a white bag in one hand and the tail from a Tanooki Suit in the other, which makes no sense.) :< Porky = no thanks.I don’t think Pokey was a mis-translation, I’m pretty sure it was just a localization.To me, he’s Pokey in EarthBound, but by the time he became king in Mother 3, went under the name Porky for a change of pace or something. Nope, Picky is Picky. If you call him Pokey, fine by me.Porky is just the way my mind deems is ‘proper’. Excuse me if I act like a jerk, The last forum I went to was awful. Personally, I think “Porky” is overkill.Just FYI, his name wouldn’t have to be Porky to call it New Pork City or the Pork Army.

Why they edited it to be 100,000, which is a very realistic amount of money isn’t clear. Quote; Permalink; Quintuple d! :DI’m in the same boat as Poe on this one: it depends on the game.I stick with Pokey just because I think it’s weird whenever someone has a name change.Plus, I echo the statements prior referring to Looney Tunes. I never mentioned “Mother 3” in my post.

), and Porky was referred to as Porky in Brawl, I was calling him Porky from the beginning.

)I just hit “quote” instead of “edit.” I’m going to have to ask that someone delete this post.When I learned that my dad’s name was Jim and not “Dad”, I didn’t start calling him Jim. Glad to be back here and all. You didn’t have to notice me…. There’s nothing wrong with being picky!

did you guys know that in a restaurant in new pork city called "beauty and tasty" all the robots in there are designed after pokey's mother, i think you guys should add that to the article.

Posted over 10 years ago. What would it be anyway? Perky?I think New Pork City makes the pun of it also being super filthy and smelly aside obviously, the pork soldiers way of life (parodying ours) I mentally and verbally substitute “Porky” for “Pokey” when playing Earthbound. It rolls of the tongue so much easier and I'm just so use to it. I’m not really here. ?I think Pokey is fitting" it brings “porky” to mind and said porky can be used in alliterations.
In EarthBound, he says it was maybe a hundred thousand dollars or so. that sounds like it would hurt. He’s even referred to being a “pig wearing clothes” once or twice in EarthBound. I kept calling him dad, because that’s how I learned to refer to him.And besides, Pokey’s “real” name isn’t exactly ‘supposed’ to be in America (since they never decided to release Mother 3 AHAHAH kthx Nintendo), so we have the right to still call him Pokey. My 1st guess for places to send the inquiry would be Itoi's offce (on Does anyone know what exactly his clay model is holding? Judging from how his own parents treated him, Pokey's envy of Ness probably extended to him having nicer parents as well. Are you Ninten or Ness?? ? I guess that happens everytime I know the original name of anything, just as I do calling Mother 2 instead of EarthBound, Subarashiki Kono Sekai instead of The World Ends With You, or the original name of a foreign movie, not mattering whichever country it came from.It depends on what;s being referenced, I suppose. Pokey’s close enough, and he still has that whole pig-like quality to him.
uhhhhh his real name is porky- 17:10, 19 May 2008 (UTC) No.

I think adding that would be beneficial to the page. What would it be anyway? This joke is funny because the squirrel gets dead.Nope, Picky is Picky. I don’t tell them about the whole Pokey/Porky translation stuff unless they ask about it. You didn’t have to notice me…. For some reason, the reference template wasn't working for me, so I had to cobble together something that would work in a similar manner (but viewing the page in code view makes it look terrible). Please ignore me.” —The forgotten man “Porky” sounds even less like a villainous name than that.

But do you still call him Pokey or did you start calling him Porky as soon as you found out? ". He searched the building to stop Ness using the helicopter and eventually became Heavily Armored.Fixed for my own enjoyment. For EarthBound on the Super Nintendo, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Questions about Pokey/Porky.....*spoilers*". I switched to Porky.Depends on which game I’m playing; same with Giegue/Giygas. Everyone’s different.is it really a translation error i thought thats was his evil kinda of name,they called him porky in SSBBI’m on the same boat with Cafechan, I call him "Porky"cause I was introduced to Brawl before the Mother/Earthbound series. Pirky?I got used to calling him Porky. I switched to Porky.