Filed under: Your courageous outspokenness against racism has forced the world of football to sit up and...Dear Vice President Biden,  We write to you as organizations and individuals deeply concerned about the continuing escalation of the conflict between Israel and the Palestinian people and...Dear Jennifer Lopez, Your music brings joy to people around the world and your humanitarian work with Amnesty International and the Lopez Foundation increases the well-being of women...Dear Anti-Defamation League, American Jewish Committee, Hillel, AIPAC, B’nai B’rith, Jewish Federations of North America, Union for Reform Judaism, United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism, and other major American...Monday, November 18, 2019 Dear U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, Let’s be clear: all Israeli settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territories are illegal. And this is not Jarrar’s first unlawful arrest. Filed under: Palestinians living in the West...Dear Raheem Sterling,I’m a fan of your actions on and off the field. They also provide surveillance technology. Filed under: Filed under: Filed under: Filed under: When you are praised by the anti-Semitic Code Pink organization as Rogen was, you know you have crossed a line—whether intended or not—into the BDS anti-Israel world that claims Israel is … The park is built on top of the ruins of Jarisha village, which was completely depopulated (ethnically cleansed) in May 1948 just weeks after the notorious Deir Yassin massacre, where hundreds of Palestinians were brutally massacred. The group's name is a play on the United States Department of Homeland Security's color-coded alert system in which, for example, Code Orange and Code Red signify the highest levels of danger. Filed under: Jewish-only settlements are discriminatory, built on...We call on UN Secretary General António Guterres and UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Ra'ad to use their influence and power to pressure the state of...Dear Celine, Please sing a high note for Palestinian freedom, dignity, and human rights by canceling your August performance in Tel Aviv, Israel.

© 2019 CODEPINK | All Rights Reserved Filed under: Filed under:

Take action and tell your representative to stop taking campaign contributions from Elbit. So why, given such vulgar racism, is Grammy award-winning singer Celine Dion—who named one of her sons after Nelson Mandela—planning to cross the picket line and perform in Tel Aviv this coming August? largest arms-producing company in the world. On November 2, 2019, Israel’s military court ordered her to remain in prison for at least another eight days. The group routinely sneaks into events for the sole purpose of disrupting them. Senator Jeanne Shaheen received more money from Elbit Systems in 2018 than any other Democrat in Congress. By Medea Benjamin and Ariel Gold “HUGE breakthrough today,” crowed Donald Trump on twitter as he announced the new peace deal between Israel and the United Arab Emirates (UAE). CODEPINK is a women-led grassroots organization working to end U.S. wars and militarism, support peace and human rights initiatives, and redirect our tax dollars into healthcare, education, green jobs and other life-affirming programs. Filed under:

weapons manufacturer. Code pink opposes UAE/Israel deal. Below is a list of all members of Congress who have taken campaign contribution recipients from Elbit between 2013-2018. We are developing the tools to expose and end their crimes. Code Pink often prevents those with whom they disagree from expressing their opinions. Dear Madonna, We appeal to you to cancel your performance at Eurovision 2019 in Israel. We’re calling on her and all members of Congress not to take Elbit money. Please check your e-mail for a link to activate your account. We the undersigned condemn...