If I forgot your name or you would like me to leave it off the list next time, please message me! Redferns / Getty Images. Let the people see you.” Yeeee-AH!” GZA / Genius . Bei uns hört ihr die Songs aus allen Jahrzehnten, vom Oldie bis zu aktuellen Charts - aber mit Vorliebe diejenigen Titel, die andere Sender kaum noch spielen. To me, accuracy when making a Top 10/Top 100 all time list is extremely important. Thank you again everyone! During his campaign, President Ford made a claim that his administration wouldn’t let Russia control Eastern Europe, saying, “There is no Soviet domination of Eastern Europe, and there never will be under a Ford administration.” A four-piece outfit from Liverpool known as The Beatles.More than 250 people lost their jobs when Companies House mistook a 124-year-old Welsh family business called Taylor and Sons for Taylor and Son - a company that filed for bankruptcy in 2009.The compound tetraethyl lead was first put into petrol in 1922 when American chemist Thomas Midgley discovered that it helped the fuel burn more slowly and smoothly.However, lead has been known to be harmful to humans for thousands of years.Several workers adding the metal to gasoline in US factories during the early 1920s died, and at one stage Midgley himself took sick leave with lead poisoning.Scientists also later realised that leaded petrol could be linked to brain damage among inner-city children - the fuel additive is now banned around the world.The library has become a symbol for the loss of cultural knowledge, having been one of the largest and most significant libraries of the ancient world before it was burned down - an act attributed to various historical figures such as Julius Caesar, Aurelian and Umar.It didn't send us back to the stone age, but burning irreplaceable knowledge and literature is appallingly short-sighted.The historical accuracy of the accounts that report it are disputed, but 59 years after the date of the battle A. J. Gross-Hoffinger produced an account of the Austrian army fighting a battle against itself, in which 10,000 men were lost.The army supposedly set up camp while the vanguard scouted for the Ottoman Turks, instead finding Tzigani merchants who sold them alcohol.When the remaining infantry found them drinking, but not sharing the alcohol, in-fighting broke out which some military mistook for a Turkish ambush. The books are not ranked. A 208 page book written in 2009 by Journalist and Author Andrew Taylor. November is election month in the United States.

Political Quotes Political Cartoons Political Jokes Political Memes Politicians By. In an administration known for gaffes, this one stands out.

On May 1, 2003, George W. Bush stood on the deck of the U.S.S. The result was widespread mocking—and a 12-point loss to Kerry in the New Hampshire primary. In 2004, Howard Dean came out of nowhere to become the early favorite to win the Democratic nomination for the presidency. From there, Dean’s campaign continued to decline, until he eventually pulled out of the race. Given that this was during the peak of the Cold War, the comment sparked fear among U.S. citizens and panic among Russian authorities. Despite strong fundraising, an engaged base of supporters and a laundry list of endorsements, Dean finished third behind John Kerry and John Edwards in the Iowa Caucuses. Of course, in 1976, everyone in the world knew that Russia was completely dominating Eastern Europe. For this reason, and due to the fact that the conflict lasted for several years after his remarks, the speech, jet landing and banner are generally considered to be one of biggest public-relations missteps of all time. All-out war was averted when those in control of both militaries took the remark for what it was…an ill-conceived attempt at humor.No thanks, I don't need to stay current on what works in education!COPYRIGHT 1996-2016 BY EDUCATION WORLD, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. James Howells bought 7,500 Bitcoins in 2009 when their value …

November is election month in the United States. With Bell not keen on the initial offering, the pair went down to $750,000 in a bid to tempt him. We begin bombing in five minutes.”

In fact, the U.S. and its allies suffered the majority of casualties in the years after Bush’s speech. COPYRIGHT 1996 - 2020 BY EDUCATION WORLD, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. He has 7.Joe Biden forgot the name of Chinese President Xi Jinping.Joe Biden forgot he was Vice President for 8 years, saying he became a professor at the University of Pennsylvania after leaving the Senate.Joe Biden forgot what the Defense Production Act was called immediately after citing it.Joe Biden forgot that Obama, not Bush, was the last President.But to make things even more ironic, President Obama used the date to encourage people to vote for his former vice president.In moments of crisis, we look out for one other. COPYRIGHT 1996 - 2020 BY EDUCATION WORLD, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Townhall.com is the leading source for conservative news and political commentary and analysis.Fauci: There's No Reason People Can't Vote Safely in Person Is Mitt Romney Showing Why He's The Most Worthless GOP Senator in Congress Again?AG Barr on DOJ's Russian Collusion Origins Probe: A New 'Development' Will Drop TodayKamala Harris Doesn’t Think You Have The Right To Own A Gun'Yikes NBA'! During a post-caucus speech, Dean fired up his supporters with assertions that he would bounce back from his disappointing Iowa performance. Scott Dudelson / Getty Images. Since then, he has had a number of gaffes. Biden’s request led to a very awkward moment for everyone at the event, and a red-faced Biden attempted to backtrack, asking the crowd to “stand up for Chuck.” Today, Google is valued at around $365bn. His mistake destroyed his foreign-relations credibility and ultimately cost him the election. Even Bush himself admitted in 2009 that “Clearly, putting ‘Mission Accomplished’ on an aircraft carrier was a mistake.”