A fight occurred while Azula was escaping and Aang managed to defeat two of her subordinates. Aang flew to the refinery and began his attack, but it was blocked by Toph and her students. He started to unravel and chose to avoid experiencing them by not sleeping.
Later, he added that he wanted to help solve the problem of the sabotaged factories and the tension between the benders and nonbenders, hoping that prominent bender business owners will help support the nonbenders, as it may ease the tension between the two groups. Aang arrived with the two girls, much to Zuko's surprise, telling him they found something he had to see. After selecting the Avatar relics from among thousands of toys, thereby inadvertently confirming his identity as the Avatar, he was taken away by the monks of the Southern Air Temple, who kept his position a secret from him. Aang swiftly apologized, before coming to his girlfriend's defense after Sokka called her boring. He preferred to solve problems non-violently. When Aang was forced to protect Sokka from a Despite the proficiency with which Aang used earthbending in his fight with Ozai, Toph stated that he could still improve.While normally the Avatar must learn the four elements in the proper cycle, Aang was given the opportunity to learn firebending early from Master After being endowed with the knowledge from a lion turtle, Aang was able to use an ancient form of bending that precedes all other bending called energybending, which he used to strip Ozai of his natural firebending abilities, leaving the Fire Lord permanently drained and in a weakened state.At age forty, Aang's energybending skills had progressed, as he was able to strip Yakone's bending abilities almost immediately with minimal effort, unlike when he stripped Ozai's bending.As the Avatar, Aang was able to contact his past lives to seek advice and guidance.

Sokka deduced that Aang was connecting with the animals and plants of the forest, as they all sported similar expressions as he was making. Later, Aang and the group walked up to a guard standing in front of the door, who asked them for the password, which Aang gave to him: imbalance. Zuko managed to get himself and Kuei to safety, while Aang went down with Katara to save the other three, although he struggled to hold onto them at the same time. Aang told his girlfriend that he wanted to stay in Cranefish Town for a while, believing that if it could overcome its issues, it could become something special. 4 comments. Avatar kya Avaya 9611 bei Amazon . As the Avatar, he tried to reason with the spirit, apologizing for any possible disturbance, but to no avail as the spirit attacked. On the night before the invasion, his friends finally coaxed him to sleep, during which he defeated the Fire Lord in his dreams and regained his sense of fortitude.During the invasion, Aang became extremely upset upon not being able to find Fire Lord Ozai, believing that he had lost his only chance to defeat him and end the war.After the invasion, Aang was unwilling to face the reality of having to learn firebending, wanting instead to have some fun at the Western Air Temple; however, with the arrival of Zuko, he once again began training in earnest.Aang did show a somewhat flawed and stubborn side to his personality during the Harmony Restoration Movement. Together with Fire Lord Zuko and the rest of their friends, he transformed all the former Fire Nation colonies into the United Republic of Nations, where a metropolis named Sometime during this period, Aang married Katara and they had three children: Bumi, a nonbender who gained the ability to airbend in 171 AG, Kya, a waterbender, and Tenzin, an airbender.In 128 AG, the city was suffering from a high rate of crime due to a notorious crime boss named However, employing the Avatar State, Aang regained his senses, allowing him to pursue the criminal. However, unbeknownst to him, that reasoning reminded Toph of her childhood, due to which she refused to take part in the bowing ceremony.

This caused him to mentally fall apart even more, and he suffered intense hallucinations, blanking off into realistic daydreams.

By the time he and Katara managed to smother the fire, Zuko had succeeded in calming his sister down, and the group continued onto Hira'a. A few minutes later, Aang spotted Gilak's group on the other side of the bridge. One day katara and aang went to visit kya because aang had told katara about her and she was so happy she had a daughter "kya you're coming home with us" they both said delightfully. Entering the Avatar State, however, allowed Aang to break free of Yakone's grip, and he swiftly captured Yakone in an earth shell, before utilizing energybending to permanently remove his bending.The one hundred years Aang had spent frozen in an iceberg while in the Avatar State drained much of his inherent life energy, and by his later years the strain of this began to weigh heavily upon his body. Aang mistakenly thought it was Momo who pushed the statue, and offered to fix it if they had a drawing of the original design, but Liling assured him that her daughter, a very talented earthbender, will be able to do it. Aang caught the head chieftain, assuring Katara that he was alright. After the guard let them in, they approached a large underground tunnel that Aang realized was part of the old mines that were supposed to have been filled in. He had Bumi and Tenzin both tucked up in front of him, one on each side. The mood was broken, however, when Aang suddenly had a gruesome expression on his face, caused by the presence of a spirit. Kya turns around and notices something.

After greeting Hakoda, Aang questioned him as to why he and his officers were out by the gates.

Later that afternoon, Aang stood in front of the factory with Suki, Satoru, and Lao. Later that night, Aang and the group reunited in the Earthen Fire Refinery with Liling in a metal cage. As Liling responded that she would happily agree, her cat suddenly knocked over a Kyoshi statue, causing it to break.

Even when forced into combat, Aang typically held back, fighting defensively and trying to subdue opponents without seriously hurting them,Events in the Earth Kingdom, however, began to take a toll on his carefree personality.
The next day, Aang, Siku, and Sura met up with Katara and Sokka at their mother's grave, where the two sisters finally demonstrated some of their waterbending to them.