The views reflected are his own and do not represent the official position or opinion of the United States Government or any of its agencies.JSmith and Azor...still think there are such animals as Donbas separatists....?? "If the Kremlin decides to act, neglecting its own interests, like daughters in London and granddaughters in Paris, we will win.Girkin continue to criticize Russian government but is afraid for his future. Though I'll grant you the infamously incompetent UAF which outnumber their foes 4 or 5 to 1 will probably manage not to get encircled this time like they did at Donetsk Airport and at Debaltsevo. I am also of Polish descent and am well aware of the genocide perpetrated against ethnic Poles in Volhynia, whilst it was under German occupation.

The Arctic Game – The Arctic expedition of the Northern Fleet’s group of ships, launched on 5 August, continued last week, with the ships sailing from the Kara Sea to the Laptev Sea on 9 September. Which is incidentally, what the Minsk 2 accords due as well (text is below in case Maj. Duenas never read it):You'll note that contrary to Kiev's rhetoric the agreement Poroshenko signed only permits full Ukrainian control over the border after elections are held in Donbass according to Ukrainian law, which Kiev has not permitted by continuous shelling of 'separatist' territories. Much more egregious than NATO's eastward expansion, since one can always argue NATO's commitment to not expand an inch east of East Germany was purely verbal and never put in writing (a debatable point, depends on what day of the week you ask Gorbachev or Hans Dietrich Genscher's former aides) or that NATO is a voluntary club (notwithstanding the unpopularity of the Montenegrin president for life dragging that ex-Yugoslav statelet into the pact) was the bombing of Serbia. I got to the mission where you have to find the Russian missile subs. Nor has the Ukrainian Far Right received any significant support in the post-revolutionary elections5. Quite frankly, NATO doesn’t have enough assets to deploy to all these bases that it supposedly covets.
Demand for outright independence or annexation by Russia seems to have little support among the population, even if various insurgent leaders are in favor of the “Novorossiya” idea. An aggressive push for Ukrainian Special Operations Forces (SOF) to increase attacks against high-value targets should accompany an aggressive political front. It is noteworthy that Girkin started telling bogeyman story about "the offensive operation of the Ukrainian Armed Forces on Donetsk, Horlivka, Debaltseve" following three days of battles at a narrow section of the forefront," Butusov wroteJSmith and Azor.....reference the concept of so called Ukrainian "spearatists"....Before The Hague got him, Milošević killed off most of the spooks & thugs who did his 1990s dirty work.

Dismissed by Field Grade Officers or worst BN Commanders. A new generation of Russian ship-based missiles could strike NATO ships or territory from far north of the GIUK gap, perhaps even from the safety of home ports.

Think about how many Ukrainian BUKs were in the 'ATO zone' on July 17, 2014 and how the perception of Ukraine would change in Europe if Trump were to declassify US satellite photographs of the same, proving that Kiev lied about having no BUKs of their own anywhere close to MH17's flight path. The political effort on the part of Kiev, must enforce the Minsk II agreement. For Russia, it seems that the calculus to participate in the Ukrainian separatist movement was driven by their regional strategy to exert influence over former Soviet territories and intervene against the warming up of Ukraine to the EU.

In assessing the root causes for the Donbas separatist movement and their Russian supporters a short history is useful.

Adhering to the Minsk II agreements to remove heavy weapons will leave the frontline forces exposed, so aggressive targeting should be undertaken to also take out key heavy-weapons sites. In Norway, like in Russia, the demand for action came out of fears for possible Concerns of nuclear accidents and radioactive leakages are also why Norwegian authorities have granted hundres of millions kroner in aid to secure and clean up the site.