What we do know, is that bodies with mass are attracted to one another. Think of the rotating spacecraft in "2001: A Space Odyssey", for example. Unfortunately for them, BJ successfully destroys Area 52 with the mini-nuke, which in turn preventing them to perfect the anti-gravity technology in the long run. For one we could build flying crafts that are weightless on the Earth's atmosphere, making propulsion much easier. Ancient egyptian pyramids couldn't be built without it. Metal sphere, Antigravity technology would revolutionize space exploration and energy production. What is needed is to provide a means of acceleration in one direction that should, according to Einstein, produce an effect similar to gravity. This is almost not science fiction any more. because our Space Time Reality has only one Time dimension. Clear Your mind and imagine that You are looking here at understandable but another, before unrevealed, knowledge. What's going on?Though we have only really started to begin to understand what it is, the phenomenon has been pondered for millennia.Greek philosophers, for example, once thought that the planets and stars were parts of the realm of the gods. Interestingly, according to William R. Lyne in “Occult Ether Physics”, in a conference that Tesla had prepared for the Migrant Welfare Institute on May 12, 1938, he spoke about the Dynamic Theory of Gravity. Consider the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt, a structure so incredible that generations … These changes have revealed important details about our planet. Gravity is one of the most fundamental "forces" in the universe. I will not talk about why it can happen now. The picture of the Anti-gravity engine (in the middle and pointed by Super Spesh)The piece of the anti-gravity technology salvaged by Super SpeshTake your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. "The force by which a planet or other body draws objects toward its center. If the craft were to travel at only a small fraction of the speed of light, the crew would likely experience something in excess of It is hypothesized that this can be gotten around by using electromagnets and conductive "floors" in ships, but you'd still have the problem of a "downward" force.
In effect, any object ‘caught’ in another celestial body’s gravity is affected because the space it is moving through is curved toward that object. Arguments about how it works aside, whatever gravity is, it is a very important element for life on our planet.

The picture of the Anti-gravity engine (in the middle and pointed by Super Spesh)The piece of the anti-gravity technology salvaged by Super SpeshTake your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Gravity is one of the fundamental forces of nature. First, however, we'd just have to drastically alter our understanding of physics and figure out how to counter this powerful force.
The act of simply lifting rocks above the Earth using antigravity technology and then dropping them down on enemies would have the power equal to or greater than that of atomic bombs. Nikola Tesla And Anti-Gravity. Polish journalist Igor Witkowski, who studied the secret archives of the Nazi army found in Nazi … Maybe Grebennikov had inadvertently stumbled across something more powerful, and thus more dangerous than he could have imagined, a deep and almost mystical power sought by humans for centuries, dreamed about with every UFO sighting or unexplained human artifact. This is one of the biggest problems in physics today. Just forget about what You were taught at school in physics classes. The technology was kept in the safe keep in Roswell, New Mexico in which becoming Area 52 later on.