Ce43 Guepard.

Vautour. SE210 Caravelle. 4050 Vautour II byl francouzský bombardovací, přepadový a útočný letoun využívaný francouzským letectvem (Armée de l'Air).Později bylo 28 letounů využíváno Izraelským vojenským letectvem.Název letounu, Vautour, ve francouzštině znamená sup. Išlo o prvé francúzske lietadlo, ktoré bolo schopné niesť jadrové bomby. The Vautour was initially derived from half-scale research glider testing in powered and engine-less forms. The Sud-Ouest Aviation (SNCASO) S.O. V této verzi bylo vyrobeno 30 kusů, které byly nakonec poháněny motory Atar 101E-3 s tahem 36 kN. In Israeli service, it was typically armed with a pair of 30 mm Originally, the AdA had intended to order a total of 440 Vautours, comprising 300 of the IIA model and 140 of the IIN variant.A fleet of 40 AdA-operated Vautour IIBs constituted the original air-based component of the French As early as 1955, preliminary agreements for Israel's procurement of the Vautour were being drawn up and advanced plans being laid for its deployment.Crosbie described the Vautour as being "Israel's most important delivery system at the time", also observing the type to possess the capability to launch attacks upon the majority of Egyptian targets while carrying a payload of 6,000-8,000lb bombs.In Israeli service, the Vautour had a relatively active combat career.The Vautour was produced in three principal variants, which had 90% commonality: 4050 Vautour II was a French bomber, interceptor, and attack aircraft used by the Armée de l'Air (AdA).

4050-01 převzal konstrukci od svého předchůdce, ale původní motory byly nahrazeny francouzskými Atar 101C.

Sud-Ouest Aviation (SNCASO) S.O. Wassmer. The first, the "SO M1", was a glider, to be released from the backof an airliner, but it is unclear if it ever flew. Titles: Sud Aviation SO4050 Vautour No’s 1 and 2.

102/1 Le Vautour Manuel de l'equipage - Version N - Annexe II Poids et centrages - Planches ... Sud Aviation. Some IIB aircraft were converted to various specialized roles, principally Total production was 149 aircraft, divided as follows: Subsequently named Vautour II, the aircraft was built in three versions. A few soldiered on in various duties into the early 1… 4050making its initial flight on 16 October 1952. The flight test programme proceeded relatively smoothly; during one early flight, a prototype was recorded as having exceeded During 1956, two years prior to the Vautour even entering squadron service, France had issued a more demanding requirement for a supersonic replacement aircraft. 102/1 Le Vautour Manuel de l'equipage - Version N - Annexe I Performances - Planches U.C.C.

The Sud-Ouest Aviation (SNCASO) S.O. The Vautour was used as a stop-gap measure as the airborne carrier of France's independent The Vautour was capable of being equipped with various armaments. SA316 & SA 319 Alouette III. Tento stroj poprvé vzlétl 16. října 1952, pilotovaný Jacquesem Guignardiou. "In a class of its own: The story of the Sud Aviation Vautour in Israeli Service." Later, 28 of these aircraft were used by the Israeli Air Force. Aloni, Shlomo. Bombers of the West. Vautour is the French word for vulture. From there, a full scale prototype was born with the designation of S.O. SNCASO adapted its existing S.O. Bombers of the West. The Vautour was a shoulder-wing monoplane with a 35° The IIB bomber lacked radar and other modern navigation and attack systems, armaments were aimed by a bombardier housed in a glass nose section of the aircraft with the aid of a In French service, the Vantour IIB could carry either a single The Vautour was produced in three principal variants, which had 90% commonality:Some IIB aircraft were converted to various specialized roles, principally Total production was 149 aircraft, divided as follows:

Gunston, Bill. [1] In terms of its basic configuration, it had a shoulder-wing monoplane configuration, furnished with a 35° swept wing and a "flying" tail. Třetí prototyp S.O. Jedinou zemí, kam byl letoun exportován, byl První prototyp S.O. Z tohoto prototypu vznikla jednomístná bojová varianta Vautour IIA, určená k útokům proti pozemním cílům.

SNCASO SO-4050 Vautour bolo francúzske dvojmotorové stíhacie lietadlo, ktoré vyvinula spoločnosť SNCASO.Boli vyrobené tri verzie tohto stroja, ktoré slúžili ako bojové lietadlo, bombardér a nočná stíhačka. SA315 Lama. 4000 to which these were fitted with Hispano-Suiza turbojets (x2), license-production copies of … Two The IIB bomber lacked radar or any other modern nav/attack systems, weapons being aimed by the bombardier in a glass nose section with a In response to that same 1956 requirement that produced the The Vautour was produced in three principal variants, which had 90% commonality: SA330 Puma. They saw combat against The Vautour was a shoulder-wing monoplane with a 35° swept wing and a "flying" tail.