Eva Augustina Sinotte - Check out Eva Augustina Sinotte filmography, biography and awards at MSN Watch Online Guide. I am originally from Carmel, California and currently reside in Los Angeles where I am an actor. Eva Augustina Sinotte. Thank you Carmel Film Fest!! We shot at one of my favorite spots in Carmel and butterfly’s graced us over a sunny lunch interview we spoke about how there are no small roles, but small actors in the mag and about how the journey is sometimes the most important part as well as gratitude- read the article for more. Welcome! ••Theatrical Agent: Daniel Manhan ENVY AGENCY ••Commercial & Print Agent: Chris Saveedra SAINT AgencyOur short film, Pickle, directed by Grant Moore, won the award for Best Short at The Carmel Film Festival !! Photography of Eva Augustina Sinotte shot by Louie SaltoLearn more about me and my acting journey in the Carmel Magazine Holiday edission (2019). 758 Followers, 1,514 Following, 212 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Eva Augustina Sinotte (@amonologueaday) Eva Augustina Sinotte plays The Sorceress, the main antagonist of Escape The Night Season 2. She would reprise the role in Season 4, where she acted as a helper rather than an antagonist. All messages are monitored for inappropriate content. I look forward to collaborating with you! Some established Hollywood celebrities even take the step of turning their backs on Southern … It’s a place where the civilians are inured to their luminous presence and are more likely to respect their privacy. View Eva Augustina Sinotte’s professional profile on LinkedIn. Web Deaths Edit. View Eva Augustina Sinotte’s professional profile on LinkedIn. Book talent directly: no commission, no booking fees. For further inquiries, please contact my manager Vérane Jackie Deschamps (mmprg.team@gmail.com). Before attending CalArts I acted in Los Angeles and studied at The Margie Haber Studio, Act Now, Santa Monica College, Monterey Peninsula College, etc. Carmel is well known as an under-the-radar place where movie stars can come to relax. Eva Augustina Sinotte is an actress, known for (2016), and (2013).. Born on , , Eva hails from , , . Check below for more deets about Eva Augustina Sinotte. Hello, I am originally from Carmel, California and currently reside in Los Angeles where I am an actor. Eva Augustina Sinotte in 'Escape the Night: The Sorceress' Eva Augustina Sinotte (19??. Thank you for all of the love and support from our Carmel Community, LA Community and beyond. Eva Augustina Sinotte graduated in 2014 from the California Institute of The Arts acquiring a Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree in Acting. @AMonologueADay 620 likes. SAG/AFTRA Eva Augustina Sinotte, Actress: Escape the Night. You can also edit or add factual information about the Eva Augustina Sinotte) However, you can post these to our November 6, 2019 by Michael Chatfield. Follow your dreams folks!evaaugustinasinotte: Welcome to my artist acting page. Messages advertising a product or service are not permitted and will be removed. Eva Augustina Sinotte as The Sorceress, on the set of Youtube Red series, Escape The Night. She would reprise the role in Season 4, where she acted as a helper rather than an antagonist. Escape the Night: The Sorceress (2017) [The Sorceress]: Throat slit by Kei'la Ryan who grabbed the knife after Eva stabbed Joey Graceffa. I am an Actor. It was pretty special and fun, getting interviewed over lunch with the talented writer and musician Michael Chatfeild and collaborating with the fierce & sweet photographer & co-owner of the mag, Kelli Uldall, to create this spread.

As in 2020, Eva Augustina Sinotte‘s age is * years. Hello, ; Escape the Night: The Collector Returns (2019) [The Sorceress]: Stabbed by Shiobann Amisial with a spear after a long fight.

Currently, I am taking acting classes with UCLA's, Marilyn Fox, as well as attending many casting director workshops with The Actors Green Room and The SAG Foundation Program. As in 2020, Eva Augustina Sinotte‘s age is * years. As a classically trained actor in Shakespeare I enjoy transforming and bringing truth to the different characters I portray on the stage and in cinema- in turn affecting the audience. Let's collaborate. Photos, physical attributes and credits & experience of Eva Augustina Sinotte - Actor, Model and Dancer based in California, United States. Learn more about me and my acting journey in the Carmel Magazine Holiday edission (2019). I am an Artist. Eva Augustina Sinotte is an actress, known for Escape the Night (2016), Blood Theatre and Desert Noir (2013). I had the honor of acting the role of the Mom in the film.

Thank you very much. I look forward to working with you! We are parsing more detailed wiki about Eva Augustina Sinotte that we will modernise within 24 to 48 hours. Eva Augustina Sinotte A Carmel Local Takes on Hollywood . 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