The The Balanced Duplexer has high power handling capability and high bandwidth when compared to Branch-type Duplexer.So, consider a 4-port circulator and connect the transmitter, Antenna, receiver and matched load to port1, port2, port3 and port4 respectively. Radar Block Diagram • This receiver is a superheterodyne receiver because of the intermediate frequency (IF) amplifier. This radar tutorial covers radar basics,types of radar and radar applications.This tutorial on radar also covers radar classification based on functions,pulsed radar,CW radar basics and radar range equations.

It displays the target as radial deflection from time base.It is the modified version of A-Scope.

It displays the target as two blips, which are closely spaced. Then the beam gets refracted and meets at a point called the focal point, at a focal distance from the Lens. The Radar cannot transmit the signal during reception time.
Hence, it is a Even though the value of the signal at point C is closer to threshold value, it is a So, the points, A & B are valid detections.

Hence, it is called the It is a Radar display, which uses intensity modulation. The A knowledge of Lens is required to understand the working of Lens Antenna in depth. Following is the In this chapter, we discussed how the Pulse Radar works and how it is useful for detecting stationary targets. The time interval between the successive clock pulses is called Therefore, pulse repetition frequency is nothing but the frequency at which Radar transmits the signal.We know that Radar signals should be transmitted at every clock pulse.

Therefore, the output of Full Wave Rectifier looks like as shown in the following figure.

A typical As shown in the figure, Radar transmits a periodic signal. In reality this is a very complex subblock. In E-Scope, intensity modulation takes place.If the Radar Antenna is aimed at the target, then F-Scope displays the target as a centralized blip.

In our subsequent chapters, we will discuss the Radars, which are useful for detecting non-stationary targets.In this chapter, we will learn about the Doppler Effect in Radar Systems.If the target is not stationary, then there will be a change in the frequency of the signal that is transmitted from the Radar and that is received by the Radar. $$R_{un}=\frac{C\left ( \frac{1}{f_P} \right )}{2}$$We can use either Equation 3 or Equation 5 for calculating maximum unambiguous range of the target.We will get the value of maximum unambiguous range of the target, $R_{un}$ by substituting the values of $C$ and $T_P$ in Equation 3.Similarly, we will get the value of maximum unambiguous range of the target, $R_{un}$ by substituting the values of $C$ and $f_P$ in Equation 5.Substitute, $R=R_{min}$ and $T=\tau$ in Equation 1.We will get the value of minimum range of the target, $R_{min}$ by substituting the values of $C$ and $\tau$ in Equation 6.Radar range equation is useful to know the range of the target We will get those modified forms of Radar range equation from the standard form of Radar range equation. This type of Radar is called Moving Target Indicator Radar or simply, Now, let us discuss about these two MTI Radars one by one.MTI Radar uses single Antenna for both transmission and reception of signals with the help of Duplexer. The Effective Radiated Power Usually a wave guide horn Antenna is used as a feed radiator for the paraboloid reflector Antenna. integrated under the denomination Following figure shows the The block diagram of CW Doppler Radar contains a set of blocks and the If CW Doppler Radar uses the Frequency Modulation, then that Radar is called FMCW FMCW Radar is mostly used as Radar Altimeter in order to measure the exact height while landing the aircraft. Hence, all the waves reaching the aperture are in phase.As the waves are in phase, the beam of radiation along the parabolic axis will be strong and concentrated.Following these points, the parabolic reflectors help in producing high directivity with narrower beam width.The gain of the paraboloid is a function of aperture ratio $D/\lambda$.

It is more suitable for It is a two dimensional Radar display. Hence, $q\left ( t \right )$ will be the input of the second delay line canceller. (Similar to Figure 1.4 in Skolnik.) The function of the Target reflects this received signal in various directions. It is also called single Delay line canceller. Therefore, the power density, $P_{dd}$ due to directional Antenna will be −$$P_{dd}=\frac{P_tG}{4\pi R^2}\:\:\:\:\:Equation\:2$$Target radiates the power in different directions from the received input power. Of these two antennas, one Antenna is used for transmitting the signal and the other Antenna is used for receiving the signal. The following figure shows the As shown in the figure, the two switches, TR & ATR are placed at a distance of $\lambda/4$ from the transmission line and both the switches are separated by a distance of $\lambda/4$. Hence, the blocks corresponding to passive TR limiter are used in order to provide the A single Antenna can radiate certain amount of power in a particular direction. RADAR is an electromagnetic based detection system that works by radiating electromagnetic waves and then studying the echo or the reflected back waves.Radars can be used for various applications on ground, on sea and in space. The blocks corresponding to the receiver section will be same in both the block diagrams.