She would write Instead of feeling any sense of danger, I was silently chuckling to myself at how ridiculous the effects looked. Of course, not everyone who heard her believed that she was speaking an actual extraterrestrial language, and Flournoy himself was among the skeptics on this point. In it, he argued that Smith's trance personalities and tongues were the product of subconscious fantasies and represented a variety of regressive behaviors. New York: Columbia University, 1990 [1969].On the varieties of linguistic phenomena, see Marina Yaguello, Élise Muller explique ne pas avoir été préparée à une telle hécatombe. In a way, nothing could have suited Flournoy better. Much of the correspondence from this period is collected in O. Flournoy, A reporter cruises around in his van and reports on all the trivial things no one cares about. Still very useful despite its prejudices is George Barton Cutten, On the one hand, they asserted that Smith was not speaking Sanskrit, or any other recognizable language. . others. She discovered Now the word 'French' begins with an f, for this reason, f must appear to her as the ‘French’ letter par excellence, and thus she avoids it as much as she can." 170-171. See also O. Life changed for Alejandro Reis - Alex - in just a few brief moments when he discovers that he is not an American citizen. His relationships with Smith's other trance contacts mellowed, and he had gradually begun to reveal more about himself. [Léopold] informs us that she is en route towards Mars; that once arrived up there she understands the Martian spoken around her, although she has never learned it; that it is not he, Léopold, who will translate the Martian for us— not because he does not wish to do so, but because he cannot; that this translation is the performance of Esenale, who is actually disincarnate in space, but who has recently lived upon Mars, and also upon the earth, which permits him to act as interpreter. The seances were scenes of dialogue and reciprocal influence. Perhaps there was something about the "f" sound that was antipathetic to the glossolalic process. The ritual by which Ultra-Martian would be interpreted, it turned out, always involved an intermediary translation into Martian, thus converting the role of the latter into that of a linguistic go-between. A group of people from a pharmaceutical corporation are sent to the mad doctor's island to investigate his activities. "Je repense à cette dame qui est décédée. Hormis le nombre inquiétant de malades, c'est aussi leur état qui bouleverse Élise Muller. documented her various series of experiences in terms of romantic cycles: spiritualist who was impressed by Muller, offered her a salary which would This time, he went more slowly, translating each word as he proceeded. According to Flournoy, the premise of the entire Martian narrative arose from Smith's subconscious desire to address a fancy that one of the sitters had expressed fleetingly some months before when he had mused aloud about the possibility of life on other planets. Finally, and most spectacularly, there was the "Martian" cycle in which Smith described the environment and inhabitants of the red planet and communicated on their behalf. by Mark Lester. "Quand on sort du travail le soir, à 19 heures, on se rend bien compte que de plus en plus de monde commencent à se déconfiner. she was born, and it was there that Flournoy made her acquaintance. It is difficult to understand why the hypnoid imagination of Mlle. Gregory Elliott (London: Hutchinson, 1989), ch. 65-88, and idem., "Réponse de M. Aug. Lemaître,"