10 For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God has before ordained that we should walk in them.James 2:19 You believe that there is one God; you do well: the devils also believe, and tremble.The demons believe in God; yet, they are not saved.
(Grown children kicked out of The Garden of Eden-everything scares them!!). 15). A large part of God's judgment is described in three series of sevens: the seven seals, seven trumpets, and seven bowls. Just started really. The horn sounded out of tune and I went outside and it was loud and coming from nowhere. – Strange sky sounds in Sunderland on February 7, 2020 – Weird noise from the sky in Elk Grove, California on January 26, 2020 – sky trumpets in New Haven, Indiana on January 25, 2020 – Strange Sound From Sky over Calgary, Canada / January 22, 2020 Humming noises in San Antonio, Texas / January 20, 2020 Great compilation of strange Hum sounds from around the world Trumpet noises return in the U.S. / January 16, 2020 Mysterious Hum in Warsaw, Poland / January 15, 2020 Strange sounds in Biloxi Mississippi / January 12, 2020 Horns in the sky of Denton, Texas / January 8, 2020 Loud blasts and sirens in Bagdad, Iraq, January 8, 2020 Strange ‘animal’ sound in Huntsville, Texas, January 5, 2020 Mysterious sounds from Lakewood, Colorado, January 4, 2020 Biblical Red Sky and Jesus Trumpet Sounds, January 3, 2020 Be waiting for his return at the end of the Great tribulation and live every day as if it is your last.
– Weird sounds from sky on the Island Nøtterøy in Norway, Europe – Mysterious humming noise in Örebro, Sweden on March 24 – Terrifying sounds recorded in the Sky of Middle East – Strange Shortwave Radio Oddity Signal Findings – UVB76 on March 22 – Creepy sound of earthquake in Zagreb, Croatia on March 22 – Strange sounds in Nashville, Tennessee on March 21 – Angel Moroni Loses Trumpet in Earthquake on March 18 – Are You Hearing Very High Up Engine Sound In The Sky? Adam gifted mankind with spiritual death and God used mediators, middle men to intercede between the two separated parties, only occasionnally did god speak ‘face to face’ with anyone until reconcilaition came in the first century. Notice the result would be 1/3 of mankind will die. There will be a time when thy Son of God will come back to us and deliver us from the twisted ness of the devil.I believe Jesus is coming very soon let’s all stay holy and keep our lamps on just like the 5 wise virginsTonight I was laying in bed after not being able to sleep asking God over and over for a sign if I was going to heaven or hell and I suddenly caught myself thinking about the Notre Dame Cathedral catching fire after standing for over 800 years and going through wars and revolutions and plagues and then suddenly I hear a horn outside my window that sounded like a car in the distance and I noticed that it was fading out and then it got louder but and it sounded off for maybe 2 minutes continuously. His wrath is Can you take just one point you are in disagreement with and explain — in specifics — your position? I had asked the Lord that night what was going to happen because I had heard some disturbing news on television (to me at least).

Hail and fire will be thrown to the earth. Thee be a time when good and evil shall stand at thy face with thy Holy Spirit above all and shall be judged by God. April 19-20-21 – Humming noise in Rockhampton Queensland Australia (comment): Since this lockdown, traffic and people noise is gone.

The Holy Spirit keeps the world peaceful.Can I ask a question.how do I know if I will go to paradise or stay here and dieThank you for all the information I never knew even Chuch Pastors have not broken this information down as you have. sky trumpets in New Haven, Indiana on January 25, 2020 – video He is coming. We must “Exegete” (Get the message from the passage) the passage, not “Isogete” (read what you want to hear into the passage). Mysterious trumpet sounds over Florida on April 23 – video. That guy is a grandmaster chess player’s master. The trumpet is used to build anticipation and tells the reader that an alert, announcement, or warning is about to take place. Also had no idea that Chernobyl even MEANT “Wormwood.” Pretty amazing stuff. I woke up. I didn’t know what that meant. If you google the image you can see how the writer (who had lived 2k plus years ago) could interpret his vision and only relate it to what he knew.The bible points to Native Americans as HIS PEOPLE. Scripture (Ephesians 2:2) does refer to Satan as prince of the power of the air (not the same as the air waves! We have a new priesthood, a new city with a new temple and form of worship, made of living stones; therefore these trumpets ceased with the 7th being blown in the first century. I went outside. . But their complete