It’s a crash course, for sure. Also, I’m looking to go back to my studies and so I have a lot of information to catch up with and digest. And, I can still remember them.But all that practice did him good too.

I would imagine that he would teach a lot of the same memory tricks because that’s what he knows – and it works. I’m sure it would work as it’s about memory in general – not in one area of life or the other.If you have interest in taking more than one Mindvalley quest, then you will want to check out the Mindvalley Quest All Access Pass.This pass allows you to take almost all the courses on Mindvalley for the price of about two to three courses.

And he does say to ‘write this down’ occasionally. That’s why my husband and I have found that you must schedule in time each day to engage in the quest or you might find an excuse to skip it.

I really appreciated the That being said, the videos kept my attention fairly well. We all want to keep our brain healthy and have an easy time doing things like remembering or focusing.So, if you are wondering if this quest is for you, and you already know the quest interests you, then I can confidently say that it is for you. That’s another key to making the most out of the quest. Is there a way I can access it somewhere else or get it somewhere else without paying this hefty amount.

I always feel kind of leary then… Right now it’s $350 for just the digital access or $400 for digital access and certificate. So, yeah, you can improve your visualization skills with the course. I had the numbers … I am more than willing to pay for value. Give presentations without notes, and much more.If Knowledge is Power, then Learning is a Super Power.Enter your name and email to get instant access to this free 3-part memory training to cut your learning time in half, have information at your fingertips, give speeches without notes, and never forget another name.Oops! That’s what my husband and I have done for years.

Plus a lot of people are thinking outside of the box in the group, and it’s nice to be connected to people like that.You’re interested, but you’re not sure. You can do it on your own time. Worth payment , they will give me password to access the study, can i share it with my husband, so that he can learn too?You don’t have to finish the course in a 30-day period. I just don’t see the value in that.

)I’ll have to check out that book, A Mind For Numbers. There is a day on overcoming procrastination and there are some points about brain health – such as stress management, thinking more positive thoughts, and diet, but that’s not enough to warrant taking the whole program, which is mostly focused on tricks to strengthen your memory.

You can apply everything you learn quickly to your life. Join Master Mind Trainer Jim Kwik on a 30-day adventure towards a bulletproof memory, unshakeable focus, and superhuman productivity. There’s a reason that Lifebook is so popular.

Any other questions, feel free to ask.Wow. He has the credentials to back up his claims, and that’s what fascinated me most.Now before we go on, a common myth surrounding the internet is that Jim Kwik’s course is similar to brain-training apps like Lumosity.The danger with so many of these brain training apps is that they’re designed to make you smarter quickly.They come with many claims, and most of them are unfounded.

I don’t really know what programming would entail.

So I guess what I’m trying to say is that I think someone who is visually impaired would be able to benefit from learning the techniques taught in this quest as they mostly depend on visual imagery. Your husband just needs to access your Mindvalley dashboard and he can do it on his own time. The quest taught me a lot, and I love the way they do their daily classes and put the material in. Thank you !! So the whole quest doesn’t open up as soon as it starts. After reading through the enrollment page for the new quest, I … It’s a way to test your memory before he teaches you a technique to truly memorize the list. For instance, a purple elephant walking on a tightrope is pretty easy to visualize. It all depends on how good your visualization is because that’s what you ultimately need to rely on with most of these techniques. You can learn just as well as an adult, so this was an interesting welcome to the course.I was a little worried about my busy schedule that I wouldn’t have time to do it daily. Remember extensive conversations verbatim. I enjoyed that aspect.

The big benefit of taking the quest when it’s being promoted is that a bunch of students will start at the same time and the moderator in the Facebook group will go through it with you, so you will find yourself in a big ‘class’ so to speak and be on the same page as other people. If your memory is good, then keep doing what you are doing. I have just graduated from college and started working and as of now can’t afford the course.

However, the techniques I am using were still worth my money. It challenges your brain to break out of the pattern it knows for learning and remembering. As far as writing, I took a lot of notes because I enjoy doing that and I wanted to remember points for this review.

Jim talks about cold showers in Superbrain and it’s been mentioned in another course I’ve taken as being good for releasing hormones that have a positive influence on focus, among other things that will still benefit focus. That said, $350 USD is the best price that I’ve seen on the quest. Then he teaches you the obstacles to faster reading and comprehension and gives you tips to read faster and comprehend more. The Superbrain community is super smart, and every individual in the community has a similar goal, i.e., unlock the brain’s learning potential.