The Battle of Austerlitz (2 December, 1805) in which Napoleon masterminded his greatest ever victory by defeating the combined armies of Austria and Russia on the vast Pratzen Heights. Its an upgraded version of The Deutsche Grenadiere for 60 more funds.

Austria although has some cheap art so if you lose one it doesnt hurt you that much.I bring these guys to every battle as Austria. You also might know that 2 dragoons can beat 4 hussars. *Battles* * 1:28 - While Saxony's away, Austria comes to play. The Russian forces are mainly deployed on the hill (the lighter colored part of the map). I will prevail! But the bayonet is an eloquent argument! The French technically have more cavalry and infantry than the combined Austrian and Russian armies, but the numerical advantage is small and further neutered by their inferior experience. In Jasper Kent's novel Twelve, 1812 Russian Invasion serves as a base story for the book.

Defeating the Austrians and Russians at the Battle of Austerlitz (or at The French forces have several disadvantages: a quarter of its army is made up of inferior National Guard, who stand no chance man-for-man against the Russian and Austrian line infantry. 3 guns, higher mobility for low shot power.

Each general has: MEDIUM charge bonus of 12I preffer to use the 3 pounders, but you can bring literally every arty, although i would recommend avoiding the horse art.

The Great War mod is a total conversion modification for Napoleon: Total War. The enemy is in retreat across the frozen Satschan ponds. When comparing cavalry reserves, They are the worst of them, but also the cheapest. Much faster than currasiers also so you can just run away from them. If you want a melee unit bring German Grenadiers.

The novel was awarded the Prix Goncourt and the Grand Prix du roman de l'Académie française for 1997. Cheap.2 guns, lower mobility for higher shot power than the 3 pfunders. 70 reloading and 35 morale make it even better blob unit that Hiller. Speed normal to curassiers, melee attack and morale bad for currasiers. Still, their cavalry is fast and can do amazing things.Will go through the lightest: 3 elite hussars/chevaulegers, 2 ulans (2950 funds)1 dragoon (hohenlohe), 1 ulan, 2 elite hussars or chevaulegers (2930 funds)2 dragoons with or without ulan (with 2130, without 1750)Cheapest hussars for Austria. Avoid fighting alone, always attack along with blobby units.Backbone of your army. Prussia 1813 is long way out of the picture. Very nice shooting stats, but bad melee and morale. I cannot recommend any arty because 1 horse charge can take them out, so yeah. For these guys, you can take the best cavalry you have in any faction, beat them and be cost effective at the same time. And who else could? The Russian army begins by moving its cavalry to the center and all of its infantry in a massed attack on the southern French flank, which falls very easily unless it is quickly supported. Their strenght is mainly in numbers, although Ungarishe husaren are much better to bring, 5 man advantage is not that much, mostly because of hussars better melee and morale.Upgraded Chevaulegers. AUSTRIA GUIDE Napoleonic: Total War III ~ NTW3 ~ Modification for Napoleon: Total War developed by The Lordz Modding Collective GENERALS INFANTRY Historically, the Austrian army was divided into 2 parts: -Germans (Austrians,Waloons,Czechs,Italians) and Hungarians Tactics Slow moving infantry, very blobby. Always bring 2-3 of these.Light Infantry. The history of Austria is one of warfare against invaders from the east, and the infidel Turks in particular.