Imperial mothers scare their kids by telling them that a Hrud will steal all of their left socks or something if they don't eat their protein-paste. Typical Iron Warrior mentality. Attack ferociously instead of just nuking/exterminatus the shit out of the major threat. Dark Mechanicus. Nice to have you with us. Like I said, I'd love to see them get more attention - maybe through the novels or RPGs, but I'm not sure I want them as a playable army for 40k.

Hrud have a very strong connecti… I can see a very small model range turning into something sinister if GW wanted to. (Hello, inquisititor headbang, how are you.)

The Hrud was first depicted as a crouched, diminutive rodent-like creature swathed in rags, its face obscured by a hood, and possessing a rat-like tail. Yep, sounds about right. Uninvited Geist MtG Art from Shadows over Innistrad Set by Dan ScottWelcome to From the Warp, your source for modeling and painting info in the Warhammer 40k universe.The Many Faces of the Vox Populii - Adeptus Mechanicus warband by Nicholas GrilletThe Internet's largest gallery of painted miniatures, with a large repository of how-to articles on miniature paintingThe Blind Necromancers are back... Salut à tous! A Men of Iron – Necron – Tau teamup could be pretty cool! Later images that have been labelled as representative of the Hrud species show a bizarre, vaguely humanoid, black-eyed creature with long, segmented limbs, an exoskeleton and a mouth featuring both teeth and mandibles. See more ideas about Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer models.

Their bodies liquefy rapidly upon death -- conveniently making detailing the creature impossible. Im Imperium sind für die Hrud auch die Bezeichnungen Troglydium hrudii7 S.76 und Temporaferrox6 S.117 gebräuchlich. Long gone since Rogue Trader, these guys have just recently gotten new models in the last 6 months.

Both in 40K and in Necromunda. For the uneducated, the Hrud are a secretive race that utilise Plasma Technology. Personally I see Hrud as ratmen but this is your version. Hrud lore is fragmentary and scattered throughout various books. They are found all over the galaxy, though never in large numbers. Eine kleine, gebückte Kreatur, deren Körper verdeckt ist, doch sieht man einen Rattenschwanz sowie den Lauf des Gewehres umschlossen von einer Krallenhand.

Neben den Necrons, einem Kroot, einen Ambul, alles Kreaturen die mittlerweile Modelle oder gar Armeen haben ist dort ein Krieger der Hrud dargestellt. Observing a Hrud is often difficult even within a well-lit room due to a distortion field of unknown origin emanating from the Hrud that prevents the eye from focusing on it. Hello future galaxy-spanning menace. They also exude various poisons from their skin. They are considered to be parasites, and when they are referred to it is usually as "infesting" a place. But I would prefer them to remain in the shadows. A suggestion for a horde army could be similar to the kroot and krootox as a standard Unit format (or ork boyz with multiple nobz) [10-30 models per troop squad] An elite low count will be more in line with playing along with their warp tech (think militarum tempestus scions) [5-10 models] Apr 13, 2017 - Explore Bill's board ""Hrud"" on Pinterest. I'm looking for a model to represent a Hrud in a 40k Campaign I'm playing. Whatever their physical form, the Hrud prefer darkness and are basically scavengers and tunnel-dwellers. Men of Iron. Based on the title of their original depiction ("Nocturnal Warrior of Hrud") in the Hrud technology is often scavenged from other races, particularly the First appearance of the Hrud as a rat-like "Nocturnal Warrior of Hrud" in the The Hrud first appeared in a simple black-and-white illustration of "other dangerous aliens", along with early versions of a The Hrud were presumably meant to be a science fiction version of the Skaven; however, Games Workshop has never stated that the Hrud and the Skaven are parallel races, and given the company's current distaste for further crossovers between the two settings to avoid the creation of a "The large image of an insectoid being in the upper right hand corner is drawn from the background book Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat.
They are considered a dangerous xenos species that threatens human life by the Imperium of Man. The Hrud (Troglydium hruddi), also known as the Nocturnal Warriors of Hrud, are an intelligent alien race of the Milky Way Galaxy who are prone to living in subterranean conditions and who possess an unknown biological ability, likely Warp-based, to dramatically accelerate the aging of any living being or to accelerate the slide towards entropy of an object that comes within their vicinity. The Hrud are a nocturnal race of scavengers and parasites. Imperiale Raummatrosen verwenden für die Hrud den Spitznamens bendies.7 S.77 Die Eldar nennen sie Feith-mhor, Die zeitlosen Schatten.21 K.12 Die biologische Klassifikation hrudii ist quasi nur pro-forma, da einzigartig: Weder sind mit den Hrud genetisch verwandte Lebensformen, noch eine Heimatwelt bekannt.7 S.76 Bemerkenswerterweise gibt es unter jenen imperialen Bürgern, die von … Hrud have also been known to emit an unknown field of entropic radiation from their bodies that can cause living and inorganic matter to rapidly age or decay, similar to a reverse Apparently, the Hrud's original homeworld was in a region of space the The Imperium has dealt with the Hrud on numerous occasions in the 41st Millennium, including on the world of Perhaps the most well-known Hrud infestation came in 783.M41 on the Imperial The Hrud are meticulous record keepers and have compiled large libraries of data. In addition the limbs of a Hrud have a bone structure similar to the human spine allowing the limbs to bend in any direction (hence the Imperial nickname for this species of "bendies"). They … The Hrud are known to be very mysterious, many know of them, and few know about them.