For the last few years, I've been travelling (mostly) solo around the world. Many people spend a long time up here to take in the views and atmosphere.Around the hill, there are also a few sights worth mentioning. The reason why it is so sacred is that it has been a place of pilgrimage for the last 1000 years!

But, even today, many visit to pay their respects at his grave in Glastonbury Abbey.There is also a local legend that says that King Arthur and his knights of the round table found the Holy Grail here.Also, it is thought to be buried somewhere beneath the Tor! The Tradition: In Caradog of Llancarfan's Life of St. Gildas, written around 1130, can be found a story telling of St. Gildas ' intervention between King Arthur and one King Melwas of the "Summer Country".

Always having a restless soul seeking adventure, she has now travelled to over 30+ countries, many of them solo. He may have lived in the Dark Age buildings excavated on the Tor. Viewed close up, its slopes are subtly terraced, and some scholars speculate that it forms a remnant of a Neolithic labyrinth. By the 11th century, the first timber church dedicated to St Michael was constructed.Unfortunately, the church was destroyed due to an earthquake (many blamed the Fairy King!) These are well worth a visit and all have spiritual connections to the legends surrounding the Tor.So, it’s rather appropriate that there are now four orchards that have been planted at the base of the hill.

Glastonbury Tor is one of the most famous landmarks in Somerset, if not the whole of the West Country.It's not just famous because it can be seen for miles and miles around, but also because it has huge spiritual significance for many people. Copyright Third Eye Traveller 2017 - 2020 © All Rights Reserved. This area used to be an island surrounded by marsh, and was known as the Isle of Avalon, or the Island of Apples. If you walk to the top of of it today you will find the partial ruins of a church. Get updates straight to your mailboxJoin 80,000 readers.

Although today we portray fairies as cute, playful creatures.In earlier times, they were associated with constellations, astrology and healing. You could even trace it as far as the Pyramids of Egypt! Glastonbury Tor Ley-lines & spiritual pilgrimage . Please see my Glastonbury Tor is a melting pot of heritage, myths, legends and magic.Although what we see today is a church ruin perched on top of a conical hill, for the last few millennia it has been a shrine for both Celtic Pagans and Christians.Some say that this is a gateway to another world, whilst others say it’s home of a Fairy King. The church was quarried for stone and now only the tower survives.The BBC is not responsible for the content of external websites. Around the same time that Stonehenge was constructed.Many geologists have noted that the tiers form a pattern, almost like a maze, which is thought to have guided spiritual pilgrims to the top of the hill.Years ago, many people believe that Sarsen stones were placed on top of the summit where the church is now.This maze is often called the Glastonbury Tor Labyrinth and comes with its own set of mysteries and legends.Many people believe that this spiralling Cretan maze, in a Meander pattern, was made for spiritual and ritual purposes long ago.The terraces that circle the Tor seven times would then lead the pilgrim to the very top.But, legends would say that this maze is, in fact, the path that will lead you to the entrance of Others say, this is the Great Goddess and the Tor represents her female figure.While you’re here, why not take the Labyrinth trail that is marked by fallen Sarsen stones? Almost like Pagan gods who provided knowledge and guidance. It’s an extremely bohemian town that has lots of amazing things to do. Some are easier and more laid out than others.I took the steeper path from Stone Down Lane but it was still easily manageable and took less time.The majority of people opt for the easier route(s) via Wellhouse Lane as the pathway inclines gradually. An option if you wanted to save some energy for the hill hike!There are several paths that you can take up to the summit of the Tor. Glastonbury was cut off from the mainland by a defensive bank and ditch known today as "Ponter's Ball," while Pomparles (Pont-Perles) or the Perilous Bridge, kept communications open with land to the south. I want to inspire you & turn your wildest travel dreams into a reality through my useful travel guides and tips!Join 80,000 readers! GLASTONBURY TOR Queen Guinevere's Prison?. These all grow cider apples!

In 1275 an earthquake levelled this church. Neolithic people in the region built platform villages linked by wooden causeways, arguably the first man-made roads. Third Eye Traveller is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to & It has been suggested that the terraces form a kind of maze that guided pilgrims up the sacred hill. The Island of Avalon has been associated with the tor at Glastonbury because the monks at the medieval abbey exaggerated the previous association with Joseph of Arimathea to attract pilgrims. Tuesday, 28 January 2014. Just like the Vikings had Odin, who was Lord of the Underworld, the Celtic Britons had He was the bringer of death, who would ride out with his wolves on his Wild Hunt and take souls back to People believed that the gateway to the underworld was located on the Tor and avoided it for fear of being taken there.Over time, he simply became the King of the Fairies and the Tor was his magical Hollow Hill. If you fancy extending your stay in Glastonbury, there are plenty of hotels to choose from;Sophie Pearce is the founder of Third Eye Traveller.