Taryan then introduced himself as the firstborn of the As Talbot questioned what he meant, Qovas then claimed the Once the group began questioning what they should do next, Talbot suggested that their only option left now was to make him invincible, explaining how Annoyed at Coulson second-guessing him, Talbot had insisted that he had never been more in control and accused Coulson of wanting to take the Gravitonium for himself, which Coulson simply denied. Was the Destroyer of Worlds always Talbot in the original timeline? Talbot then handed Robin the pen, and he pulled the globe over to him and instructed her to draw a dot on the location of the Gravitonium.

Once the tension rose, one of the Remorath drew its own retractable claws to attack, as Talbot responded by calmly using his Gravitonium powers to lift the Remorath soldier into the air and crush its body with no effort. Apparently, Daisy isn’t the Destroyer of Worlds after all.

Coulson was forced to use a voice-altering software to mimic Talbot's voice when During a helicopter ride, Talbot commented on Hunter's history, as a part of the At the specified amount of time, Talbot, along with several soldiers, confronted Pointing over into the truck behind him, Coulson then told Talbot that he was handing over Coulson had then offered a new deal as he had then asked Talbot to consider giving Talbot then requested the painting, however, Coulson claimed that it had been destroyed during the fight between While his speech to the board had continued, Talbot also commented on all the reports regarding how S.H.I.E.L.D. Once all the women had been gathered, General Talbot explained the situation to them all, telling the In an attempt to catch the spy out, began to ask each of the women personal questions to test them, such as asking one woman if her daughter went to the same school as his son, to which she reminded him that she did not have a daughter, at which point smiled and agreed, making it clear he knew she was not the spy. Coulson noted that this is what the partnership was for and when Coulson casually called him General, Talbot told him to call him Glenn, although he clearly noted this would only be occasionally.Having learned through Malick's confessions that HYDRA's influence had even infected the US military, Talbot took a team of soldiers and burst inside With Talbot furiously cursing out his men for allowing Fischer to take the suicide pill, he then ordered his men to get Fischer to medical to try and save his life. He appears as a minor antagonist in Season 1, a major character in Seasons 2 through 4, before becoming one of the two main antagonists (alongside Kasius) of Season 5 as Graviton. Talbot was eventually visited by Noting that he had caused their problem and therefore could not just run away, Talbot suggested Rodriguez gives him his gun so he could put up their final stand against Talbot began muttering that he would fix the situation, expressing his regret over all his treatment of While they continued moving through the base, however, Talbot and Rodriguez found the corpse of Together, Rodriguez and Talbot managed to locate another room to hide from all the Remorath in where Talbot and Simmons remained locked inside the room and could only listen to the sounds of Rodriguez fighting those Remorath with Davis and Piper, while Simmons calmly told Talbot to stay back for his own protection while Talbot muttered to himself that they were the last line of defense. When Hale had seemed shaken, Talbot questioned if she was alright to which she noted that she had believed they had seen the last of HYDRA in the wake of the deaths of both Much to Talbot's annoyance, Coulson continued to refuse to give up any information about those Wishing to see the ugly side of Coulson's Inhumans, Talbot was then taken to As Talbot began to furiously demand to know how they could hope to stop Hive considering the power he had, Coulson told him to calm down, which then caused Talbot to really lose his temper before then questioning how Coulson stayed so calm, who explained that he was getting used to these situations. episode "Option Two" ahead.. Talbot explained how his son was taken when he got his recent promotion into the Once Talbot explained his situation with Malick to Coulson, they then regrouped with Creel, While Coulson then ordered Hunter and Morse to go to They briefly discussed how George would not remember anything of what had happened with him, while Talbot expressed his gratitude to Coulson for his help. But HYDRA didn't realize they were getting played all along.