Use the King Tiger as a spearhead, but be careful about engaging too deep and exposing the weaker rear armor. As a faction, they have access to cutting-edge military innovations, such as STG 44 Infrared scopes and the Jagdtiger heavy tank destroyer as well as some older, early war technologies such as the MG34 and the Walking Stuka rocket half-track. Weak to infantry anti-tank.Use speed to your advantage. Orders in the Obersoldaten, Jagdpanzer IV, Panther PzKpfw V Tank, and the Panzer IV medium tank.This building is well suited for deployment near the front line, but can be costly to replace. Like all Assault Guns, smart use of reverse will help this unit engage advancing armor without getting flanked.Effective against most targets. The OKW is an army that features a combination of elite infantry, advanced technologies, and some of the biggest tanks built during the war. Each commander has five "doctrinal abilities" that are unlocked by command points (CP) as you progress through a multiplayer game. You will learn that most OKW units complete one another and fight better in combination with other units. Use supporting infantry to ensure the enemy does not get behind with an AT force.

Their tanks are generally considered superior to the Allied tanks, but they are fewer in numbers and often more expensive. Use barrage for additional range and/or against large formations.Scans for targets in the Fog of War, use in conjunction with artillery or tanks.Use in conjunction with indirect fire weapons to hit enemies through the fog of war. If using Grid keys be careful to observe that "R" will retreat the unit, not reverse it. Keep Volksgrenadiers in cover and at range. The Oberkommando West is the second Axis faction featured in Company of Heroes 2. Hans CakeStealer. The Oberkommando faction is intended to represent Germany's military situation near the end of the Second World War. This is a high value target for your enemy to attack, make sure to defend it.Please remember that the medics must be unlocked with further manpower and fuel after you initially place the structure.A light mobile howitzer effective against static positions, infantry, and light vehicles.Keep this unit supported.

Retreat point, available medics can heal nearby infantry once upgraded.Choose wisely where to place this structure. The OKW (Oberkommando West) focuses, unlike the Wehrmacht, on mobility and combined arms. Home » Guides » Company of Heroes 2: All Units Mod (Oberkommando West In-Depth Analysis) Ybot July 6, 2019 Leave a comment A complete analysis of everything that the Oberkommando West can throw at the Allies in Company of Heroes 2 with the All Units Mod. Some units, such as Obersoldaten, can booby-trap territory points to punish capturing enemy infantry with an explosive charge. Avoid direct engagement with tanks or AT weapons. Orders in Sturmpioneers, Volksgrenadiers, the fast point-captuing Kübelwagen, and the potent Raketenwerfer 43 Anti-tank weapon.. No movement penalties when moving through rough terrain. By buying the OKW army individually, players who do not yet own any COH2 product can access all existing Company of Heroes 2 maps in auto-match, and play against all other existing factions in multiplayer or through skirmishes against the AI.

Without upgrades, the Obersoldaten are fairly weak.Effective against light vehicles, armored vehicles, defenses and structures.Use with anti-infantry support units and spotters to engage enemy armor or buildings. Aug 2, 2014 @ 9:09am why can Oberkommando West not build fuel depot når amerikaner kan < > Showing 1-4 of 4 comments .

It is paired with the Wehrmacht Ostheeragainst the allies. Effective against infantry at medium/long range. Sturmpioneers can salvage wreckage for fuel.The Kübelwagen has captures territories 15% faster than other OKW units.

"A slow and vulnerable supply truck that can be placed on any allied sector on the map to be converted into tech structures.Can convert into a Battlegroup Headquarters, Mechanized Regiment Headquarters, and a Schwerer Panzer Headquarters.Heavy Machine Guns are effective against massed infantry within their firing arc. Remember to sweep for mines. Halfway across the map in the open is a bad location. It will jam the tank´s turret for 15 seconds so it will have difficulties returning fire.Effective vs infantry, structures, and light armor.Pair with an Infrared Searchlight to identify targets through the fog of war, and choose the direction of the rockets carefully. Please note that the repair pioneers must be purchased separately after placing the truck initially.Use to clear the flanks or hunt down infantry on retreat, but watch out for allied counter units such as the AEC or Stuart as they will quickly destroy the Luchs. This emphasis on unit preservation is also reflected in the Oberkommando's experience system: unlike the other faction units, which can only gain a total of three experience ranks, all Oberkommando units can achieve a total of five experience ranks. Hi 've just tried playing the new expansion for COH2 and I can't find any means of building caches with the Oberkommando West faction. Use cover when engaging or flanking.