List of Castles in Northern Ireland.

Britain Express is a labour of love by David Ross, an avid historian, photographer, and 'Britain-ophile'. The remains of town and city walls are excluded — most of these appear in the The list includes pele towers that became known as castles, or preserve a castle-like aspect.

Below is a full alphabetical list of the castles in Scotland added to the Stravaiging around Scotland castles database so …

Many buildings known to incorporate northern pele towers in their fabric, but are no longer castle-like—such as the Red Lion Tower in Castles of which only earthworks, fragments or nothing remains include:Castles of which only earthworks, fragments or nothing remains include:Castles of which only earthworks, fragments or nothing remains include:Castles of which only earthworks, fragments or nothing remains include:Castles of which only earthworks, fragments or nothing remains include:Castles of which only earthworks or vestiges remain include:Castles of which little or nothing remains include:Castles of which only earthworks, vestiges or no traces remain include:Castles of which only earthworks, vestiges or no traces remain include:Castles of which only earthworks or vestiges remain include:Castles of which only earthworks, fragments or nothing remains include:Castles of which only earthworks, fragments or nothing remains include:Castles of which little or nothing remains include:Castles of which only earthworks, fragments or nothing remains include:The table does not include The White House, a replica of a Polish palace in London.Castles of which only earthworks, fragments or nothing remains include:Castles of which only earthworks or vestiges remain include:Castles of which little or no traces remain include:Castles of which only earthworks, fragments or nothing remains include:Castles of which little or nothing remains include:Castles of which little or nothing remains include:Castles of which only earthworks or vestiges remain include:Castles of which only earthworks or vestiges remain include:Castles of which only earthworks or vestiges remain include:Castles of which little or no traces remain include:Castles of which only earthworks or vestiges remain include:Castles of which little or no traces remain include:Castles of which little or nothing remains include:Castles of which little or nothing remains include:Castles of which little or nothing remains include:Castles of which only earthworks or vestiges remain include:Castles of which only earthworks or no traces remain include:Castles of which only earthworks, fragments or nothing remains include:Castles of which little or nothing remains include:Castles of which only earthworks or no traces remain include:Castles of which only little or no traces remain include:Castles of which only earthworks or vestiges remain include:Castles of which little or no traces remain include:Castles of which only little or no traces remain include:Castles of which only earthworks or no traces remain include:Castles of which only little or no traces remain include:Renn (1984) pp.277–278. During my travels I was fascinated by the history and beauty of castles and I created this space to share my passion with you. among the latter category are some of the most impressive and significant castles in Britain, including World Heritage sites like Caernarfon and Conwy. We have suggestions.We had a great time at Pembroke castle: the castle itself, and it’s history are wonderful and retired history teacher”) who was absolutely brilliant, full of passion, k...From its early history of a timber castle, the valiant tales of William Marshal with his ties to the Magna Carta and the Knights Templar, theFrom here you get excellent views of Llangollen and surrounding hills with a magnificentNice uphill walk to the top, then spectacular views over Llangollen whilst being surrounded informative plus there are exhibitions at different sites of the castle, so you can learn about history, interesting facts and the importan...Take your time to enjoy the spectacular views from the tower tops or the turrets as you walk around and awesome castle has fantastic views over the estuary, beaches and out to sea as well as the stunning countryside around the area. Newer than the other castles on this list, Ruperra was built in 1626 by Sir Thomas Morgan, one of the first 'mock' Tudor castles to be built in Wales.

Back down into Montgomery and an assortment of shops (including a very helpful chap in the Sp... the castle.Very cold day but bright sunshine so the views were splendid.Very informative signage gave you the history of the castle and surrounding area.Very easy to... great to read the history of the place and the views from the top are amazing! Amongst the best known are Nor are all medieval fortified sites included in the present list. Built by Edward I, the castle was caught up in the War of the Roses and it’s Harlech that is sung about in the Welsh National Anthem.This huge castle, surrounded by a picturesque mill pond is sure to delight your eyes as you approach it.With free guided tours every hour, you can uncover the history of Pembroke Castle which is known for being the birthplace of the Tudor Dynasty as you explore the complex gatehouse, the circular keep, subterranean cave, and more.Penrhyn Castle is a unique piece of architecture with a long history to piece together as you explore the lavish interiors of the Victorian house above and below stairs before enjoying a walk in the extensive grounds.Once the ‘Paradise of Wales’, Powis Castle has been a fortress, a castle, and is now a huge red-brick country house with world-famous Italian and French-styled garden.Explore 400 years of Herbert family history as you admire the interior of the house before stepping outside to marvel at the garden.Otherwise known as Castell Rhaglan, this was one of the last true castles to be built in Wales, not for battle but to show off the wealth of William Herbert though it still got caught up in one of the last sieges of the Civil War.Today, the handsome ruins still impress and visitors can see inside the restored buttery that featured in the TV show, Merlin.Built for Edward I, the mighty Rhuddlan Castle, which is now in ruin, was built to have seaborne access hence its picturesque position on the River Clwyd which was actually diverted 2 miles so as to be able to meet the need of the time.See the East and West Gatehouses, the South Tower, Inner Ward, and admire the view from the top of the castle on the wall walk.The ruins of this small fortress, 3 corner towers being the most intact pieces that survive, overlook the river Monnow with rolling countryside views.