these things are often undertaken to launder money. Page Transparency See More. Danke!Gelegentlich verlinken wir in Artikeln zu thematisch passenden Büchern, DVDs oder dergleichen, wenn wir das Produkt für empfehlenswert halten. Mittel scheinen vorhanden zu sein.Tatsächlich wird in der Computerschachszene erzählt, ein in Deutschland nicht ganz unbekannter, dem Schach verbundener Geschäftsmann stehe als Investor hinter Regium. Similar to nobody arresting the New York stock exchange when Enron failed.Where do they get the money to sponsor online events (Speed Chess Championships / Banter Blitz Cup) when they need to E-beg to even make the product they are advertising through their sponsorships?very good question. I've read posts of people very excited for this product and would feel bad if people gave money to scammers.No. Ernsthaft, Regium?In den vergangenen Tagen ist es Regium gelungen, die eh schon fragliche Glaubwürdigkeit des jungen Unternehmens noch einmal zu untergraben. Und sich neben Lichess gleich mal mit Branchenprimus und angelegt, obwohl die neue Firma doch mit beiden zusammenarbeiten will. Alles andere, was Regium als Funktionsumfang deklariert, inklusive der Kompatibilität mit den Produkten anderer Anbieter, spiegelt die Wünsche der Entwickler, nicht den Stand ihrer Entwicklung.Die Regium-Technik unterscheidet sich in einem wesentlichen Teil von der, wie sie Square Off schon zur Serienreife gebracht und nach eigenen Angaben 20.000-mal verkauft hat: Unter der Spielfläche bewegt sich nicht (wie bei Square Off) ein Elektromagnet an einer mechanischen Vorrichtung, um die Figuren zu ziehen, sondern die Figuren auf dem Brett bewegen sich dank dutzender fixer Elektromagneten unter der Oberfläche. " is a company founded by chess lovers. Falsifying accounts seems rather unnecessary here, but newly formed Lichess member I am a photographer, and the light created on the horse when the queen passes could be a lens effect.While Talisy has evaded answering any direct connection to Regium, the use of poorly translated language, such as referring to the knight as the 'horse,' I'm inclined to believe they were translating from the Spanish equivalent 'Caballo,' which would literally be translated as 'horse' in English.The second video isn't half bad, and if it truly works like that (now), better PR would be to call their original video a conceptual rendering, and the FAQ the current progress of the product. Something we can do to report then? Never mind!Apparently, 4 of the 6 team members of Regium do not exist. Delgado made his NBA debut on February 7, recording 3 points, 4 rebounds, and 1 steal in 14 minutes of action in a blowout 116–92 loss to the Indiana Pacers.

My guess : Regium's is mostly Angel Delgado (and even this name...). Wahrscheinlich gibt es auch schon eine rudimentäre App, die das Brett mit dem Handy verbindet. Kickstarter is pretty clear about this in their TOS. Using a new, alternate account of @REGIUMCHESS, they passed for an independent photographer to make a false testimony. Crowdfunding oder Investor?Wenn stimmt, was wir hören, dann ist es Regium bislang gelungen, ein Brett für die Steckdose zu konstruieren, auf dem sich die Figuren so bewegen, wie es die Videos der Firma zeigen. Ob integrierter Akku, WLAN-Empfänger, Bluetooth, automatische Figurenerkennung in direkter Nachbarschaft zu dutzenden Elektromagneten funktionieren würden, halten Fachleute für äußerst fraglich. rfw I had a weird dream last night, seeing Angel Delgado play chess with Alexandra Martin and they use what seems to be a smaller-size version of the Regium e-Chessboard ‍♂️ h2b2 But I'm quite sure this is total bullshit.Would the misleading video be cause for kickstarter to remove this product? Beijing Royal Fighters (2019) On August 8, 2019, Delgado signed with the Beijing Royal Fighters of the Chinese Basketball Association. Regium Chess commented on this blog post in the Lichess forums! Always Open. You can certainly report them but it’s up to you to investigate before you fund. So, they might have had a wad of dirty money to clean, bought sponsorships with it, and hoped to recoup the clean money from kickstarterWe should all hope that it's completely legitimate, but as it currently stands, I have a lot of suspicions.No need to hope for this scam to be true, at this point we should just hope that legitimate products like square off continue improvingWelcome to /r/chess! Dieser Seite ist es trotz mehrerer Vorstöße bislang nicht gelungen, diese Erzählung bestätigen (oder dementieren) zu lassen. So she is not necessarily Spanish. The goal of this community is to foster in-depth discussion about all things chess, from games, puzzles, and analysis to news and current events. Talisy, then links a second video released by Regium only days ago to address public concerns which features Angel Delgado (speaking in Spanish and translated into English by an unseen narrator), directly handling the chess board. Their identities may have been forged from thin air, using common names that yield no relevant results on the Internet. Like you, we get excited at the prospect of bold, revolutionary innovations that will help chess evolve. Good of them to bring some caution to the discussion. Price Range $ Impressum. It's like they just paid some guy on Fiverr to do a meaningless testimonial.