Following are some of the main causes of this large scale deforestation in Pakistan. This type consists of Chir pine (Pinus roxburghii) forests found between 900 m and 1700 m elevation in the Western Himalayas within the range of the south-west summer monsoon. And search more of iStock's library of royalty-free stock images that features Pakistan photos available for quick and easy download.Get 10 free Essentials images with a free 1-month trial. A characteristic pioneer vegetation is developed on inland sand dunes and the semi-deserts of the areas of least rainfall.On the basis of climax vegetation, the whole Indus basin plain with the exception of parts of the districts of Sialkot, Gujrat and Jehlum, consists of tropical thorn forests. Juniper trees are considered among the oldest growing tree species, often termed as living forest fossils,and can live for more than 3000 years. According to the Forestry Sector Master Plan (FSMP), 1992, natural forests accounted for 4.2 million ha (4.8%), irrigated plantations occupied 103,000 ha (0.117%) and rangelands covered 28.507 million ha (32.40%) out of the total land area of 87.98 million ha (879,800 km2). Abies spectabilis and Betula utilis (Birch, Bhuj) are the typical tree species. Types of Forests in Pakistan 1.

Powered by We are using cookies to give you the best experience on our site. Other species like Rhizophora have disappeared over a period of time due to heavy cutting. The following forest types are found in Pakistan. The major tree species are Prosopis cineraria (Jhand), Capparis decidua (Karir, Karil), Zizyphus mauritiana(Ber), Tamarix aphylla (Farash) and Salvadora oleoides (Pilu, wan).

Frontier forests are defined as being primarily forested; of sufficient size to support viable populations of the full range of indigenous species associated with that particular forest ecosystem given periodic natural disturbance episodes; and exhibiting a structure and composition shaped largely by natural events, as well as by limited human disturbance from traditional activities. High level blue pine may occur on landslips and as a secondary sere on burnt areas or abandoned clearings. km) Agricultural land (% of land area) Agricultural land (sq. Alder (Alnus species) colonizes new gravels and sometimes kail does the same. Edaphic variants, especially connected with degree of salinity, shallowness over rock, etc., often occur. Situated in Suleiman Range of Baluchistan, these Juniper forests grow in extreme dry and rugged environment between elevations … The main species is Avicennia marina (99%). Share Details. Torwal Reserved Forest is a forest reserve in Northwest Pakistan and has an elevation of 2738 meters.
Irrigated agriculture is carried over 18.668 million ha. Normally upward branches to attain maximum sunlight. Higher up, blue pine communities occur and in the driest inner tracts, forests of blue pine, Juniperus macropoda(Abhal, Shupa, Shur) and some Picea smithiana (e.g. Most recently, data of land use including forest area have been reported by Forestry Sector Master Plan (FSMP) Project in 1993, with the help of Landsat Satellite Thematic Mapper Images at a scale of 1:250,000 covering the whole of Pakistan. Label. Common shrubs are Adhatoda(Bankar, Basuti, Bansha), Gymnosporia (Putaki) and Indigofera (Kathi, Kainthi).Tropical thorn forests: These are low, open and pronouncedly xerophytic forests in which thorny leguminous species predominate. Dry zone deodar, Pinus gerardiana (Chalghoza) and/or Quercus ilex are the main species. Their undergrowth is rarely dense, and consists of both evergreen and deciduous species. Other species like Rhizophora have disappeared over a period of time due to heavy cutting. However, it may be mentioned here that the farmland trees and linear planting along roadsides, canalsides and railway sides covering an estimated area of 466,000 ha and 16,000 ha respectively do not constitute forests within the context of legal, ecological or silvicultural/management definition of forests.

The summer temperature in this tract is as high as 50°C.Earlier, these forests merged with riverain forests along the river banks and with scrub forests in the low hills in the north and north-western regions of Pakistan. The main species is Avicennia marina (99%). Littoral and Swamp forests: These are more or less gregarious forests of low height which occur in the Arabian sea around the coast of Karachi and Pasni in Balochistan. Total area of these forests is estimated to be 1,191,000 ha.Sub-tropical pine forests: These are open inflammable pine forests sometimes with, but often without, a dry evergreen shrub layer and little or no underwood. These forests occur between 1500 m and 3000 m elevation in the Western Himalayas except where the rainfall falls below about 1000 mm in the inner ranges, especially in the extreme north-west.These forests are divided into a lower and an upper zone, in each of which definite species of conifers and/or oaks dominate. Pakistan’s forest resources are shrinking at a rate of one percent which will have dreadful effects on the people of Pakistan.