You will find individual school term dates on their own websites. Link to school, link to ofsted , New City … The dates on this page are set by the council for Local Authority maintained nursery schools, Byker Primary School and Walbottle Campus. School Calendar Term Dates 2019–2020 Term Dates 2020–2021 Please note that all events are subject to change Term Dates for Academic Year 2020- 2021 Inset days: 1st September 2020 2nd September 2020 27th November 2020 19th July 2021 20th July 2021 Primary - Term … Schools set their own start and finish times. School term and holiday dates. May Day is Monday 2 May 2022. For the safety of our staff and customers, to minimise the spread of coronavirus, and as part of recovery and renewal in York, we're continuing to adapt how we deliver services; see 'service updates'.These are the recommended term dates we have set for schools in our area, although some schools and academies may choose to adopt different dates.Starting from these principles, we work with neighbouring local authorities to set dates that have the least differences, prioritising minimising differences with our immediate neighbours, The school year always starts on the first Monday in September and is 39 weeks long, leading to 195 school days.For information on unplanned school closures, such as in cases of bad weather, see You will need to check with your school for details.
School term dates Please note that different term dates may apply to Voluntary Aided Schools. Every school sets its own training dates and will tell parents if the school is closed to pupils.If you would like to give us feedback on our website, please
Monday 14 February 2022; Tuesday 15 February 2022 New City Primary School Greater London Plaistow - School Holidays, Half Term Dates and Term Dates listed in a table in date order. September holiday - Friday 25 September to Monday 28 Septe Autumn. Sign In ... new cardiff > ENG > Resident > Schools and Learning > Schools > School term dates.
Dates for staff are in the PDF. Other schools are encouraged to use the same dates but don't have to. School term dates and holidays by school year: 2019/2020 school term dates; 2020/2021 school term dates; 2021/2022 school term dates ; These are the recommended term dates we have set for schools in our area, although some schools and academies may choose to adopt different dates. Term starts Wednesday 12 August 2020. School term dates 2020/21 Dates for holidays are inclusive, for example, for 16 to 23 October, pupils return on the 24th. Designed and Powered by Individual schools set their own school days and term dates.The dates on this page are set by the council for Local Authority maintained nursery schools, Byker Primary School and Walbottle Campus. Please view our route map page for the latest service updates. School training days . 5 extra days are reserved for training teachers and support staff. Schools close at 2.30 pm on Wednesday 22 December 2021; Thursday 23 December 2021 - Tuesday 4 January (Christmas holidays) Updated Proposed school term dates 2022. December - Christmas and New Year. Pupils spend 190 days (38 weeks) in school each year. January. We have set up a dedicated Coronavirus/COVID-19 webpage. For inset days please visit your school’s webpage. Term Dates Term Dates - 2020-21 (441KB) Term Dates - 2019-20 (211KB) Term Dates - 2018-19 (212KB) Summer Term 2020.
Training days for school staff, also called INSET days, are held throughout the school year. Contact your school to find out what time the school day finishes on the last day of term.