Sweden is rapidly approaching the endgame where normal life can resume. He told me in a recent interview, “In 1865, neither a slave nor a slave owner would’ve believed that kind of progress was possible in just a little over a century. But, is any of it actually true and should we all be worried? The need for profit over protecting the citizens of Mississippi? Add comment. He has written/co-written 32 books, e.g., President Trump Leaving to Visit Younger Brother Who Is 'Very Ill'Exclusive Update: Museum Responds to Criticism Over 'Unacceptable': Decision to Cancel 9/11 Memorial Result of No-Cash Bail: Man Stole Over a Dozen Cars, Released Each Time on His Own Recognizance, Now Faces 17 Years ... What I mean by that, is that the history of black people for over 200 and some years in America has been looking at America's failure. If the elderly population in Sweden has been exposed and survived the virus, then their death statistics will be dramatically lower going forward. Looking ahead to June 1, 2022Why follow a Sweden strategy now? Do us all a favor and read what this guy wrote and try to do better next time. 2. "Let's get back to work, let's get back to living. The article below delves into this subject and why we remain so confused as to the long term effects of this pandemic. Its capitalist economy could not generate and deliver in such a way that people can live lives of decency. The only thing our lockdowns have done at this point is prolong the agony a little bit, and encouraged Governors to make up more useless rules.Sweden’s health minister understood that the only chance to beat COVID-19 was to get the Swedish population to a Herd Immunity Threshold against COVID-19, and that’s exactly what they have done, so let me start there.This fact gets less press than any other.

Add comment. He wasn’t just another Trump hater. shutting down of face-to-face classes at Harvard and the NBA postponing the remainder of its 2019-2020 season before other universities, the sporting world, and other institutions began to shut down en masse. . If you do not record the input and or output and if you do not learn then it is a failure. America isn't just a failing state, it is a failed experiment . This virus is so overblown, sad to see so many "smart" people duped...Japan didn't have a lockdown either. You will lose your funding if you report a failure. Jul 7, 2020 . Let's be smart about it, and those of us who are 70-plus, we'll take care of ourselves, but don't sacrifice the country.

I miss the Mish from 2009 when I started following his work. Even comparing states within the United States is a bit of a joke. Tokyo has 8 million people and 16k people per sq mile.Population density might explain the discrepancy in the death rate per million between NYC (1638) and Tokyo (23), but there must be other environmental and behavioral factors.You are too early to declare what the effect on either the final economic effects are for Sweden or their neighbors. Learning your hypothesis doesn't work will add as much to your understanding of the problem as learning that it does. Is America really over? Walter Williams, an economics professor at George Mason University, says we should remember the great improvements America has made, even in the lives of African Americans. The COVID-19 outbreak has highlighted another epidemic that has plagued American society -  In March, some, like Dan Patrick, Lieutenant Governor of Texas, went into amateur eugenicist mode, opting for despair over government action. Patrick's message on FOX News? The UK went for herd immunity, realized they couldn't do it and shut down hard late in the game.Meanwhile Asian countries really kicked ass with their prevention methods.And the US is determined not behave like responsible adults and we're getting ourWe are on the cusp of hospitals getting overflowed with cases ("they weren't supposed to wind up in the hospital" is close to making the transition to "they weren't supposed to die in the hospital").Oh and by the way, after daycare in Texas opened up last month........At least 1,335 people have tested positive from child care facilities in Texas, the state’s Department of Health and Human Services reported Monday, citing figures from Friday.Of those infected, 894 were staff members and 441 were children.