You’ll feel like you’ve stepped back in time to the Granada of old the moment you step into this beautifully curated space. The Sacromonte caves line the hill sides of Granada to this day.This is one of the top things to see in Granada, Spain.Another tell tale sign of its Moorish history, Granada still has a few haman’s open for business. This is one of the best places to escape the heat!Indulge in some of the delicious sugary waffles as a treat or try out some of the other enticing food on offer. 14. Hiking in the Sierra Nevada. Although it is a waterpark, unlike many others, you can expect reasonably priced items throughout.Day trips are a great way to learn about some of the surrounding areas in any location. It boasts some of the most impressive visible influences from the Moorish empire in all of Spain and the cities history is etched into its architecture and paved into its cobbled streets. It is big, sprawling and has a considerable number of stairs, so do make sure to wear some comfortable shoes! The dates of these celebrations can vary slightly per year, so do make sure to check your calendar in advance if you’d like to visit Granada during this time.Granada is a relatively safe destination for tourists and there isn’t too much to worry about. For a perfect piece of bliss, make your way to the Hammam Al Andalus. Get perfect shots from your phone using clip-on-lenses with wide-angle, close-up and optical zoom. For a different type of activity you can go kayaking in the picturesque Cabo de Gata instead.While you’re here, enjoy some of the best of what this city has to offer on your day trip.If you’d like to spend 3 or more days in Granada, here’s an itinerary with some of our favorite things to explore.Spend the first part of your day learning about the history of Then, make your way to the Carmen de los Matire gardens to rest your feet while you enjoy the lush greenery and sculptures on display. source: You may also be offered drugs in or around these areas. That said, there are some precautions you should heed.Pickpocketing, bag theft and even muggings occasionally occur in the darkened alleys around Albaicin and even around the Alacaira market. It’s exposed and so gets extremely hot during the summer so bring water and sun-cream.The Alcaicería Market is one of the best places to search if you’re looking for some souvenirs or lovely handmade products to take home with you. These floats carry different characters including “Jesus” with well curated outfits to match. Even if you don’t take a guided tour, make sure to This well-maintained monument is one of the best places to see the Moorish influences come to life through the architecture. The tea houses line the stairs and simply pick one you like the look of.

Monachil is located in the Sierra Nevada National Park only 8 km from the city of Granada. Here are our favorite day trips from Granada.Take the bus to the popular coastal city of Motril for a lovely day trip. You can choose between a private room with an ensuite or a shared bathroom, or a bunk bed in a dormitory room.If you’re going to stay in a UNESCO world heritage listed city, why not stay in a world heritage listed apartment? To make your way up here, you’ll have to walk up past Albaicin on an incline for quite some time. Before you go, make sure to reserve the best seats in the house on the upper level of the restaurant.They say the best things in life are free. Try not to walk alone late at night in these areas but if you do, act confident and look certain of yourself. Guadix is an UNESCO listed village about 50km from Granada. Granada Science Park The 3 best things to do around Granada. This Cathedral is not only historically rich, but it also allows children to visit for free Take the kids out on a fun day out to the Aquaola Waterpark with an exciting wave pool and crystal clear waters to enjoy. Join to our groups and meet new people to share your hobbies. Then, once you’ve soaked in the city, head out into the surrounding mountains for some nature time.There is so much going in Granada that deciding where to start can be a tough! They say the best things in life are free. This view, unlike the one at the cathedral shows off the natural wonders of Granada from a distance.After a day of taking in all the views, it’s only fitting to indulge and enjoy a local dining experience out at El Trillo restaurant.This restaurant is 12-minutes away from the viewpoint by foot.Granada is a very culture rich part of the world. The architecture boasts a mixture of Gothic and Renaissance influences. So, take all the necessary steps to protect yourself from harm. Each room has a private bathroom, air conditioning, a patio and a free Wifi connection. The hotspots and rich culture are the two most important reasons for tourists to come to Granada. Every night “La Mirdor” come to life as a meeting spot for the bohmenians, backpackers and fly-traders. Just a short 10-minute walk away from the cathedral, take in a different type of view from San Cristóbal. It’s also lined with intricate paintings by the talented  Alonso Cano. The former fortress of Granada is now one of the last bastions of true, (free!) With the ability to turn travel pictures from basic to professional, this universal lens sits neatly over any phone camera and comes with a durable, travel-friendly case!Save yourself the hassle of trying to track down an adapter at your destination and paying twice as much than planning ahead by buying one online.If you’re traveling with kids, here are our favorite things to keep them entertained in Granada.You might be wondering what might be so special about this particular cathedral?