However, when the latter died in 1049, Baldwin had his son, Baldwin VI, marry Herman's widow Richilde, and arranged that the children of her first marriage were disinherited, thus de facto uniting the County of Hainaut with Flanders. Baldwin was born into the House of Flanders, the son of Baldwin IV of Flanders and Ogive of Luxembourg.Baldwin married Adela, daughter of King Robert II of France, in 1028 in Amiens; at her instigation he rebelled against his father but in 1030 peace was sworn and the old count continued to rule until his death. During a long war (1046–1056) as an ally of Duke Godfrey the Bearded of Lorraine against Emperor Henry III, Baldwin initially lost Valenciennes to Count Herman of Mons. He had one son with Ogive of LUXEMBOURG in 1012. "Dux Gewelfo eiusque…uxor Iudita" donated property to Kloster Weingarten, with the consent of "filiorum suorum Gwelfonis et Heinrici", dated 12 Mar 1094[213]. Baldwin IV (980 – 30 May 1035), called the Bearded, was Count of Flanders from 987. Baudouin IV est le véritable fondateur de la puissance flamande dans ses limites historiques.Mariage et enfants Vers 1012, il épouse en premières noces Ogive de Luxembourg (v. 990 † 1030), fille de Frédéric de Luxembourg, comte en Moselgau, et a deux enfants :Veuf, il se remarie en avril 1031 avec Éléonore de Normandie (v. 1010 † v. 1071), fille de Richard II, duc de Normandie, et de Judith de Bretagne.
They organized a great deal of colonization of marshland along the coastline of Flanders and enlarged the harbour and city of Brugge. "Baldwinus marchysus cum matre sua Susanna" donated "villam Aflingehem…jacentem in pago Tornacinse" to Saint-Pierre de Gand, after the death of "Arnulfi marchysi", by charter dated 1 Apr 988, signed by "…Waldberto advocato, Theoderico comite, Arnulfo comite, Artoldo comite, Baldwino comite, item Arnulfo comite…"[189]. Henry found himself obliged to grant to Baldwin IV in fief Valenciennes, the burgraveship of Ghent, the land of Waes, and Zeeland. There is no reference to Friedrich's older brother Gislebert having married and had children. The count of Flanders thus became a feudatory of the empire as well as of the French crown. m firstly ([1012]) OGIVE de Luxembourg, daughter of FRIEDRICH Graf im Moselgau Vogt von Stablo [Wigeriche] & his wife --- heiress of Gleiberg [Konradiner] (-21 Feb or 9 Mar 1030, bur Gent St Peter).

m secondly ([after 1030]) [ELEONORE] de Normandie, daughter of RICHARD II Duke of Normandy & his first wife Judith de Rennes [Brittany]. Florence of Worcester says that Judith was "daughter of Baldwin Count of Flanders" but does not specify which Count Baldwin, nor is this clear from the context[208]. Baldwin IV of Flanders was born in the year 980 in Mer Du, Nord, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France, son of Arnulf II of Flanders and Rozala of Lombardy. The French fiefs are known in Flemish history as Crown Flanders, the German fiefs as Imperial Flanders." Count Baudouin IV & his first wife had one child:a) BAUDOUIN de Flandre ([1012/13]-Lille 1 Sep 1067, bur Lille St Pierre). Jump to navigation Jump to search. {Encycl.

His mother was Rozala of Lombardy.History In contrast to his predecessors Baldwin turned his attention to the east and north, leaving the southern part of his territory in the hands of his vassals the counts of Guînes, Hesdin, and St. Pol.To the north of the county Baldwin was given Zeeland as a fief by the Holy Roman Emperor Henry II, while on the right bank of the Scheldt river he received Valenciennes (1013) and parts of the Cambresis and Hainaut.In the French territories of the count of Flanders, the supremacy of the Baldwin remained unchallenged.

Get kids back-to-school ready with Expedition: Learn! He died on May 30, 1035 in Flanders, Nord, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France. The Annalista Saxo names "Iudhita…amita Rodberti comitis de Flandria ex cognatione beati Ethmundi regis" as husband of "Haroldi" (in error for Tostig) but correctly names her second husband "Welphus filius Azzonis marchionis Italorum"[206]. Baudouin est obligé de rendre Valenciennes et de se soumettre à Aix-la-Chapelle, ce qu’accepte d’autant plus aisément Henri II que le pouvoir du comte de Flandre est un sérieux contrepoids face aux comtes de Namur et de Louvain. The Genealogica Comitum Flandriæ Bertiniana names "filiam Gisleberti comitis Odgivam" as wife of "Balduinum Barbatum"[198], the marriage presumably being arranged by Emperor Heinrich II as part of the alliance negotiated in 1012. The French fiefs are known in Flemish history as Crown Flanders(Kroon-Vlaanderen), the German fiefs as Imperial Flanders(Rijks-Vlaanderen). His reign saw Flanders grow into a powerful principality. The French fiefs are known in Flemish history as Crown Flanders, the German fiefs as Imperial Flanders." He was a seventh-generation descendant of Charlemagne through his father and an eighth-generation one through his mother. Avec le puissant appui de son protecteur, le duc Robert, il récupère néanmoins très rapidement ses possessions et en matant la rébellion et en soumettant son fils à Audenarde, 12 septembre 1028.Sous son gouvernement, Dunkerque est fondée ; Bruges reçoit les premières libertés communales de Flandre et des murailles commencent à ceindre la ville de Lille.

Baldwin IV died on 30 May 1035.

After the death of Baldwin IV Otgiva 1031 Eleanor, married a daughter of the Norman Duke Richard II, with whom he had one daughter:
Le souverain germanique Henri II entre en lutte vers 1006/1007 contre Baudouin IV, qui prend parti pour les comtes de Louvain et de Namur, lesquels refusent la suzeraineté, imposée par Henri II, du duc de Basse Lotharingie Godefroid Ier d’Ardenne. 1035, Cnut the Great, Abu Ali ibn Muhammad, Astrid Olofsdotter of Sweden, Avesgaud de Bellême Flanders, House of Flanders, Arras, Lille, Baldwin IV, Count of Flanders