Sean Arnott: “The technological singularity is when our creations surpass us in our understanding of them vs their understanding of us, rendering us obsolete in the process.” 17. 115k. If it's defined as a point in time at which technological growth becomes uncontrollable and irreversible, resulting in unforeseeable changes to human civilization; then we are hip deep in it, right now. If there is a something that experiences those things, is there not also a something that must react and change in relation to those transient experiences?I just took a course on Heidegger and Technology this Fall, and this was a major topic of discussion. Don't mind all the ethical and moral implications....We'll see. T he technological singularity, an age when machine intelligence surpasses human intelligence, is now expected to take place in 2035, 10 years earlier than initially predicted. He suggests that AI entities will be successors to human beings.Others take it several steps further and say that man will be made extinct by machines that no longer find us useful to their own existence, and thereby systematically eradicate the human race if they consider us a threat to their future.Elon Musk, in an interview with CNBC a few years ago, said this:“There are huge existential threats, these are threats to the very survival of life on Earth, from machine intelligence.”A more immediate threat than the singularity, which by all estimates is anywhere between 30 and 1000 years away (not a typo), is the deliberate use of AI with malicious intent.Consider this AI video experiment showing a fake Obama that looks like a genuine BBC News report.Malicious use of bots to create fake social media stories, misuse or weaponizing of unmanned drones, highly targeted spam or phishing emails, automated hacking and other activities are already possible – and occurring on a near-regular basis.Bad actors are already employing artificial intelligence tools for phishing, spearphishing and whaling. First you delete your insomnia, then you notice you're overweight, so you edit your appetite. Posted by 7 hours ago. Israel seems to be in good hands for now.Other than them, India is a potential candidate, but I doubt they will ever be world leaders. Once we can 'upload' our minds, it might be possible to share memories, thoughts, even entire lifetimes or actual real-time consciousness. r/singularity: Everything pertaining to the technological singularity and related topics, e.g. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts AI, human enhancement, etc.Press J to jump to the feed. If it's true, then more evidence will eventually emerge. But if the exponential progress of computing power progresses like it has done for roughly the last century, affordable PCs will have the same power as the brain It seems likely that we'll figure out how the brain works (and use this to construct human-like AI) roughly around that year. Discussion. The latter options happen many, many times for every time the first happens, but this is maybe not apparent to the layperson.Besides, people often think of the world in terms of things that are true and things that are false. Tumblr. Technological Singularity in 2045 – Get Ready – This is what the future may be like. A proposed country in the region could be a new superpower. Maybe you're overweight and have trouble sleeping because of your childhood. A "Manhattan Project" for singularity-adjacent technologies would probably wipe decades off the arrival time. But it would be at their own calling, their hands will be on the dial, as with everything else they'd experience virtually.How would they support they're bodies? but really, that's been the case since the linguistic turn (before that too, obviously, but that whole computer fest kinda started there, i think).Interestingly, though, we may be able to emulate a human brain without ever figuring out what "consciousness" is.

Since the design of machines is one of these intellectual activities, an ultraintelligent machine could design even better machines; there would then unquestionably be an ‘intelligence explosion,’ and the intelligence of man would be left far behind.”The scenario he paints is very bleak. If the EAF comes to being there isn't much that can stop it from being a dominant power in the global front.Everything pertaining to the technological singularity and related topics, e.g. Search for the East African Federation for more information.

But somehow it's Of course there will never be an experimental verification of consciousnesses other than our ownThis is something I think is very interesting (and sort of related to the singularity). Follow along as we delve into the future.

Before we can create true artificial intelligence, we need to understand exactly what intelligence actually is. … Just because something grows exponentially for 10 years, or even 30, doesn't mean it will always grow exponentially. This study focuses on the fundamentals of the concept of technological singularity to understand the technological evolution …