Did you use a drone to get the overhead shots? A third is that some soldiers in the castle were making moonshine and in the process accidentally started the fire. Naturally there are no crenels on top but loop holes from where troops could open fire. Thus the castle gained its current appearance. The Spis Castle was built some 900 years ago, in the 12th century, on the site of an earlier castle. There was a number of structures including stables, traces of which can be still seen on the upper part.Spis castle is definitely one of the most impressive castles not only in Slovakia but Europe too. The reconstructed sections house displays of the Spiš Museum, and artifacts such as torture devices formerly used in the castle. Lucky you for visiting this treasure.True, simply amazing. The bus stop is at Spisske Podhradie and from there you will need to walk for 30 minutes all the way up to the south entrance.November – March: Closed Admission to see the whole castle is 8€ for adults and 4€ for children. During the year 1780, Spis Castle somehow caught fire and was left to fall further into ruin until it was later partially reconstructed as official property of Slovakia. Spiš Castle - Opening hours, Photo gallery, Admission, Price list, Address and map, Panorama, Video, Contact, Informations. Spis Castle. Spis Castle is a castle situated in the northeastern Slovakian region of Presov. I can spend an entire day just roaming around in the corridors of the castle and sing Taylor Swifts – Love Story These photos are amazing! Vast in size it occupies most of the hill casting its shadow on the nearby village of Spisske Podhradie to the west.Built in the 12th century by the Hungarian Empire, its mission was to defend the region from the Tartars till 1464 when it changed hands and went to a series of aristocrats, losing its military purpose and becoming a seat for these feudal families. A fire in 1780 and the usage of the castle’s stones for the building of other mansions left it a ruin and it was not before 1969 that the reconstruction process begun and is still being carried on today.The castle has two entrances. It’s the remains of a tower that Jan Jiskra of Brady’s had built as commander’s quarters for his mercenary army which was camped on the slope. Spiš Castle. It was the political, administrative, economic and cultural center of In 1780, the castle was destroyed in a fire. It’s only fair that UNESCO has included it in the World Heritage List. Spiš Castle was built in the 12th century on the site of an earlier castle. Did you take the drones pictures yourself? Just behind it is the eloquent roman palace which is considered the jewel of the castle and one of the most beautiful in Slovakia. After that it went to the state which declared it a national monument in 1961. In the lands of Spis, the north-western region of Eastern Slovakia, large castle is standing proudly on the hill above the plebs. There is also a number of bastions (projecting parts of the wall) on the west and south sides.This huge open area was made for military purposes initially but after a certain point it was used mostly for commerce. The sloped ground is entirely covered with grass. Its outer side is not protected by a wall since it’s located on the highest and steepest side of the hill which would make an approach by any attacker rather impossible.Observing the castle from the top level helps someone understand how the whole thing was built and evolved through the centuries.

In the subsequent centuries, Spis Castle marked the northern boundary of the Kingdom of Hungary. The tour is in Slovak. The cause of the blaze is unknown, but there are a few theories. An important breaking point in the history of the castle was the year 1464, when the king donated the castle to the nobles Imrich and Stephan Zápoľský. Whatever the case, after the fire, the castle was no longer occupied and began to fall into disrepair.The castle was partly reconstructed in the second half of the 20th century, and extensive archaeological research was carried out on the site. In fact, all the images are so amazing that they make me wanna go over there on a beautiful sunny day and enjoy roaming around. I wish I could visit one day. The yard is surrounded by walls that have battlements with embrasures and loopholes on top.This is where all started. Just east of the imposing High Tatras—Slovakia’s proudest mountain range, on top of a lofty hill, lies the mighty Spis Castle.