Prime Minister’s post was created at the time of Pakistan’s independence. Get exclusive access to content from our 1768 First Edition with your subscription. By: ABP News Bureau | 30 Jul 2020 10:53 AM (IST) Karachi: Residents navigate through a flooded street after a heavy rainfall in Karachi, Pakistan. That I will preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan: "In addition, the Prime Minister is also the chairman of the 1 There shall be a Council of Common Interests, in this Chapter referred to as the Council, to be appointed by the President It helped me to win quiz that was held in our school.? The candidates for the prime minister are members of the National Assembly or Senate who were chosen through The Prime Minister can be removed before the expiry of the term through a The prime minister is elected by the National Assembly. (3) After the election of the Speaker and the Deputy Speaker, the National Assembly shall, to the exclusion of any other business, proceed to elect without debate one of its Muslim members to be the Prime Minister.

Jul 28, 2020. Khan took to twitter and said that he was saddened to learn about the plane crash in India. Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan expressed his condolences after the plane crash incident in India's Kerala state which claimed 17 lives. کہ میں اسلامی جموریہ پاکستان کے دستور کو برقرار رکھوں گا اور اس کا تحفظ اور دفاع کروں گا اور یہ کہ میں ہر حالت میں ہر قسم کے لوگوں کے ساتھ بلا خوف ورعایت اور بلارغبت و عناد قانون کے مطابق انصاف کروں گا اور یہ کہ میں کسی شخص کو بلاواسطہ یا بالواسطہ کسی ایسے معاملے کی نہ اطلاع دوں گا اور نہ ظاہر کروں گاجو بحیثیت وزیر اعظم پاکستان میرے سامنے غور کیلئے پیش کیا جائے گا یا میرے علم میں آئے بجز جبکہ بحیثیت وزیر اعظم اپنے فرائض کی کماحقہ انجام دہی کیلئے ایسا کرنا ضروری ہو۔ He appeared on television from his hospital bed hours later to make a final appeal to voters. Further evidence of Khan’s rising political fortunes came in the form of an Just days before legislative elections in May 2013, Khan injured his head and back when he fell from a platform at a campaign rally.
The prime minister said that Pakistan will continue its political and diplomatic efforts for resolution of the longstanding dispute. Khan ran on a platform of fighting corruption and poverty, even as he had to fight off accusations that he was too cozy with the military establishment. That, in all circumstances, I will do right to all manner of people, according to law, without fear or favor, affection or ill- will: Imran Khan, Pakistani cricket player, politician, philanthropist, and He hoped that we will achieve this goal one day. AP/PTI. Some specific ministries/department are not allocated to anyone in the cabinet but the prime minister himself. دستور اور قانون کے مطابق اور ہمیشہ پاکستان کی خودمختاری سالمیت استحکام یکجہتی اور خوشحالی کی خاطر انجام دوں گا۔ The Prime Minister of Pakistan is the head of government and has the responsibility for executive power. Provided that, if no member secures such majority in the first poll, a second poll shall be held between the members who secure the two highest numbers of votes in the first poll and the member who secures a majority of votes of the members present and voting shall be declared to have been elected as Prime Minister: میں (وزیراعظم-منتخب کا نام) صدق دل سے حلف اٹھاتا ہوں کہ میں مسلمان ہوں اور وحدت و توحید اور قادر مطلق اللہ تعالیٰ کتاب الہٰیہ جن میں قرآن پاک خاتم الکتب اور نبوت حضرت محمد ﷺ بحیثیت خاتم النبیین جن کے بعد کوئی نبی نہیں آسکتا روز قیامت اور قرآن پاک اور سنت کی جملہ مقتدیات و تعلیمات پر ایمان رکھتا ہوں۔ Provided further that, if the number of votes secured by two or more members securing the highest number of votes is equal, further poll shall be held between them until one of them secures a majority of votes of the members present and voting.