The series follows a British former secret agent who is held prisoner in a mysterious coastal village resort where his captors try to find out why he abruptly resigned from his job. Patsy Smart

Patrick Cargill

Graham Stewart

Frank Maher

| "Many Happy Returns" first aired in America on July 20, 1968.In this episode of the allegorical television series The Prisoner, No. John Drake He was best … Written by Vincent Tilsley, "Chimes of Big Ben" was originally telecast in England on October 8, 1967; the episode first aired in America on June 8, 1968.The New Number Two (Colin Gordon) hopes to extract information from Number Six with the help of a machine which displays a person's dreams on a TV monitor.

Binge Central Ronald Radd Alan White All rights reserved. | Mark Eden was born in London on 14th February 1928.

First broadcast in England on October 15, 1967 and in America on June 22, 1968, "A. Eden was born in London and received little formal education, spending as a child almost two years in a TB sanatorium. Lloyd Lamble Michael Segal More News

TV to Comics: 5 Successful Comic Book Series Born From Television Apr 20, 2018 Peter Bowles Number Six (Patrick McGoohan) becomes aware of a strange new innovation created by scientists in the Village -- a type of brain implant that allows the subject to readily absorb information, but eliminates their ability to process their own thoughts. Nike Arrighi Charles Lloyd Pack | Rating: 3.5/5 | Mark Eden was born on February 14, 1928 in London, England as Douglas John Malin. Jane Merrow | John Sharp Originally slated as the 14th episode of The Prisoner, "Hammer into the Anvil" was seen as episode number 10 when it first aired in England on December 10, 1967. Brian Worth Now known as Number Six, he is expected to provide information to the enigmatic Number Two (Guy Doleman) if he ever hopes to escape the Village and return home. John Maxim Finlay Currie Mark Eden Bartlett Mullins Aubrey Morris Will he be able to get the radio to work and find out what's happanmed in the outside world? Don’t worry, it won’t take long.