The company is back with a new kit that acts as a kind of add-on to the Sweep by supplying the parts and guidance to help you build out the sensor into a fully integrated 3D scanner.

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New stock soon The question is: Are people ready to be transported by a robot?FMCW radar reports distances to multiple objects over a wide field of view.Self-driving cars are leading us on the road to a driverless future. Modern devices achieve very high data rates with over one million distance points per second.Within a lidar sensor, a number of independent elements are integrated into a single device and will generate critical ranging data for safe navigation along with precise positioning. New stock soon

Obstacle avoidance is super cool top technology.

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New stock soon The LiDAR Scanner opens up the path for object occlusion, i.e., virtual objects are occluded by real objects to fit into their surroundings realistically. Save this search.

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The LSS line has two new electronic modules to show off : the 2IO Arduino Compatible Board and the 5V, 2A Regulator Board. In some sectors and situations, images from all 3 are required to give a full analysis of the terrain, vegetation or structure.