Zia now found himself in a position to demand billions of dollars in aid for the In 1981, Ronald Reagan succeeded Jimmy Carter as President of the United States. [20] edited by Peter R. Blood The Faisal Mosque is named after the late Saudi Arabian king Faisal, and was partially constructed with Saudi funds The couple had a daughter named Maha. It provides the measures for the employment, rehabilitation and welfare of the people with disabilities.As time passed, the legislature wanted to have more freedom and power and by the beginning of 1988, rumours about the differences between Prime Minister Muhammad Khan Junejo and Zia were rife. Both leftists—socialists and communists, intellectuals, students, and trade unionists—felt betrayed by Bhutto's shift to centre-right wing conservative economics policies and by his growing collaboration with powerful feudal lords, Pakistan's traditional power brokers. Soon after the polls, power will be transferred to the elected representatives of the people. Women's participation in sports and the performing arts was severely restricted. Reagan was completely against the Soviet Union and its The Soviets declared a policy of national reconciliation. Mazari. The oldest person to serve as president, Ghulam Ishaq played a hawkish role against Retiring from public service, Ghulam Ishaq served as Initially looking for a university job, Khan joined the In 1966, Khan left the chairmanship to be appointed His involvement and support earned him the nickname as "After Prime Minister Zulfikar Ali Bhutto was ousted in a In the 1980s, Khan backed the implementation of the As president, Khan was marred with political struggle with Soon after assuming the presidency, President Ghulam Ishaq's conflict arise with Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto's invalid and inappropriate appointments in nation's The appointments of chiefs of staff in the command of the military was another issue where the President Khan was in conflict with the Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto in 1989.Although, President Ghulam Ishaq Khan confirmed the nomination of In 1990, President Ghulam Ishaq Khan reportedly denied the term extension of General Problems with Sharif arose with the issue of reversing the Blood, Federal Research Division, Library of Congress. ed., 1. print. "Pakistan's Missile Technology". He made some remark which indicated that he has views similar to a Sunni, though he was Shia albeit a non-practicing one. In 1979, Zia influenced the Navy's Promotion Board several times after he succeeded first in the appointment of Admiral Despite the dismissal of most of the Bhutto government, President Fazal Ilahi Chaudhry was persuaded to continue in office as a Although ostensibly only holding office until free elections could be held, General Zia, like the previous military governments, disapproved of the lack of discipline and orderliness that often accompanies multiparty "Zia's parliament and his military government reflect the idea of "military-bureaucratic technocracy" (MBT) where professionals, engineers, and high-profile military officers were initially part of his military government. Abbasi who was appointed Zia's tenure saw the influx of heroin, sophisticated weaponry, and countless refugees in from neighbouring Zia benefited from the extremely capable martial law administrators who previously had worked with the military governments of former president Both Admiral Sharif and General Arif handled the matters efficiently if the matters were out of control by Zia. Both the This was proved when the PAEC conducted the cold-fission test of a fission device, codename Unlike Bhutto, who faced rogue criticism and a heated diplomatic war with the United States throughout the 1970s, Zia took different diplomatic approaches to counter the international pressure. This was tolerated if not condoned by their American sponsors such as the CIA.In 1977, prior to the coup, the drinking and selling of wine by Muslims, along with nightclubs, and horse racing was banned by Prime Minister Bhutto in an effort to stem the tide of street Islamization.In his first televised speech to the country as head of state Zia declared that ... by pitching students against teachers, children against their parents, landlord against tenants, workers against mill owners. Zia's Guides Cavalry comrade Lieutenant-General The second appointment was of Lieutenant-General S.M. In January they announced that a Soviet withdrawal was no longer linked to the makeup of the Afghan government remaining behind. Postponement of elections and call for accountabilityInternational standing enhancement and resumption of aid by Joanne HerringDismissal of the Junejo government and call for new electionsEighteenth Amendment to the Constitution of PakistanPostponement of elections and call for accountabilityInternational standing enhancement and resumption of aid by Dismissal of the Junejo government and call for new electionsEighteenth Amendment to the Constitution of PakistanRafiq Dossani (2005). At the same time, however, Bhutto had many enemies. After the retirement of Zahid Ali Akbar, Zia transferred control of the nuclear weapons programme to Bhutto's close aide Munir Ahmad Khan, Chairman of the Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission. Pittsburgh: RoseDog Books. Assuming the presidency in 1978, Zia played a major role in the This promotion was ahead of a number of more senior officers.At the time of his nominating the successor to the outgoing Chief of Army Staff General Prime Minister ZA Bhutto began facing considerable criticism and increasing unpopularity as his term progressed; the democratic socialists alliance who had previously allied with Bhutto began to diminish as time progressed.On 8 January 1977, a large number of opposition political parties grouped to form the Soon, all the opposition leaders called for the overthrow of Bhutto's regime.Zia and his military government portrayed the coup as a "spontaneous response to a difficult situation", but his response was a complete contradiction. Pakistan, with the massive extra-governmental and covert backing from the largest operation ever mounted by the CIA and financial support of The rise of the illicit drug trade and its spread through Pakistan to the rest of the world increased tremendously during the Soviet-Afghan war. Not only myself, but may future generations will be eternally grateful to you for singling me out for such a great honor, and this is a favour which I can never forget."