He/ she will also spend more time with those on PP that need additional information, advice and guidance to secure appropriate pathways for the future.Our specialist Speech and Language team run intervention groups for 4 days a week throughout the year. Your district or school network may have a firewall, proxy server, or content filtering software preventing access to resources used by your Renaissance Place software. We pay particular attention to the provision for and the achievement of different groups of learners:The Government introduced the Pupil Premium Grant in 2011.

We are excited to find out we have received a grant from We have extended the deadline for our Year 6 Virtual Sports Day!! Referrals are made through APs to ensure that the correct criteria are addressed.The Academy offers the provision of an on-site exclusion room to enable students to continue with their studies rather than receiving fixed-term exclusion. We hope that the ideas help support you and your family to stay fit and healthy in the coming months. We have extended the deadline for our Year 6 Virtual Sports Day!! On Tuesday evening Mr. Whitworth hosted a back to school briefing for parents where he answered questions about September that had been submitted ahead of time, if you were unable to attend you can watch a recording on our YouTube channel Thank you so much for all your hard work over this school year. Staff will be on hand to offer advice and guidance on this day. "Until we educate the entire human race, this thing will not stop." It's been a shorter than usual academic year, but there is still loads to celebrate!

Based at the heart of the Olympic East Village, Chobham Academy is dedicated to ensuring that whatever the needs of your child, we will guide them to reach their absolute potential.

With the start of a new week we want to celebrate the amazing completion of 21,964 questions in week 5 through Home Learning tasks.Congratulations to the 10X-Ma2 for earning the top slot for the first time! Based at the heart of the Olympic East Village, Chobham Academy is an Academy for 4-18 year olds. Best practices Research-based recommendations underpin the best practices for AR implementation. They know students who are LAC and PP and will continue to make additional provision where required, to secure the best possible examination results. All Academies in our Federation aim to transform the lives of the students they serve by bringing about rapid improvement in examination results, personal development and aspiration.Chobham Academy is an Independent Academy for students aged 3-18. All leaders in this Academy including the Governors are committed to ensuring that PP funding is targeted to provide the best possible outcomes to students who may be at a disadvantage.Proportion of students eligible for PPG                 Number of LAC students: 4                                         We have used our Academy data on attainment, progress, attendance and exclusions to look at where there may be any gaps between FSM and LAC students compared to students who at not FSM or LAC.

Chobham Academy is dedicated to ensuring that whatever the needs of your child, we will guide them to ..

We believe that all children should be equally valued at Chobham. We are based at the heart of the East Village; a focal point for generations to come.
To ensure that the LRC has the necessary books to engage readers of all abilities.To pay for the accelerated reading licences for both primary and secondaryPerformance data of students in RW intervention setsWe provide full and part time respite placements for key students who are struggling to cope with the demands of mainstream education provision. Congratulations to the top 3 most improved classes! Twitter.

To access more exciting content from Chobham Academy, please visit and subscribe to our YouTube Channel Our new Year 7 cohort have been given a copy of the text to read over the summer break and we are hoping they will enjoy reading along with members of staff.Follow the link below to find our read-along resource for 'The Boy at the Back of the Class' by Onjali Rauf Comprehensive holiday sessions are scheduled during every break, and a range of highly subsidised and/or free resources are offered to PP and LAC studentsMarginal students on PP/LAC will be identified for 1-1 tuition in Maths and English in both primary and secondaryThese are crucial to securing good exam success and popular with students, they are fully funded for students on PP and LAC.
We aim to engender a sense of community and belonging, and to offer new opportunities to learners who may have experienced previous difficulties. Retweetd From Chobham PE Dept. Every outcome is carefully scrutinised in order for us to re-direct resources as appropriate; staff at every level are directly involved in this evaluation so that every student is provided for.The attendance officer communicates with staff on PP/LAC attendance daily.Identified list of poor attenders on PP to be on attendance tracker. What if I don’t use Accelerated Reader or STAR assessments? He supports in class and mentors to improve BfL. We do this by providing high quality classroom teaching supplemented by interventions to support vulnerable learners as well as additional support to enable our high ability students to achieve high academic standards.

As usual it is packed with ideas to support you, your family and friends so please do share it.Celebrating students' maths work .

% of students applying to university should be above national average.This is a fund that will be used as the need arises, maybe for instrumental lessons for a Music GCSE student, to buy some 1-1 support, to fund additional texts or buy in some external expertise as requiredSubject areas are able to bid for specific resources to ensure that the needs of our disadvantaged students are met. This will also meet any need for placements at alternative provision (e.g. Read an opinion piece from a newspaper. % of students applying to university should be above national average.Subject areas are able to bid for specific resources to ensure that the needs of our disadvantaged students are met.

We hope you find this useful!With the start of a new week we want to celebrate the amazing completion of 23,584 questions in week 4 through Home Learning tasks.