That’s when i absolutely knew in my heart he was going to stay with me and i was ready to protect him with everything in me. The Cane Corso is a mastiff breed from Italy. He is a complex, powerful dog with special needs. These dogs NEED a very firm and dedicated owner to properly handle them. He snapped at a friend in my kitchen, so I don't have people over. He will stand in front of someone to guard them, rather than aggressively going after the offender.Despite their powerful physiques, Cane Corso make excellent family pets due to their gentle nature and are incredibly loyal to their owners.The first thing most people would think of when looking at a Cane Corso is a guard dog, and in fact, they do make excellent watch dogs due to their ever-watchful and protective nature.Although typically a very quiet breed, the Corso will still bark whenever it sees anything it deems to be suspicious.Due to this watchful nature, it is important to make sure to properly socialize these dogs while they are still puppies.This will ensure that you are able to control their protective nature or else they may start to find all strangers threatening.With proper training as a puppy, the otherwise docile and loving Cane Corso temperament can shine through.The Cane Corso temperament is that of a working dog, so they are very smart and have lots of energy.In fact, those who are in-the-know say the Cane Corso beats all other Mastiff breeds hands-down.This is partly because of how athletic and agile he is, as well as his keen sense of adventure.Because of their energetic nature, it is important that they have a big yard to run around in and they also need to be taken on a daily walk, or preferably, a jog.Their stocky build may make it seem like Cane Corsos require an immense amount of exercise, but that’s actually not true.They do just fine with being outside, patrolling the yard – which is something they seem to enjoy anywayIf they do not get enough exercise, they will soon start to feel bored, which is when you will start to see bad behavior.All working dogs need to feel like they have something to do and if they don’t, the Cane Corso temperament will change into that of a nuisance.Another thing a bored Cane Corso will almost always do is start If you see your dog start doing this, you should know it is not getting enough exercise and work on it immediately.If not, the bad behavior can start to become permanent.While these dogs are very obedient and easy to train, they can also become restless and have behavioral problems if neglected.Basically, the Cane Corso temperament depends on you paying attention to the dog and making sure it gets enough exercise and play.Something else that is important to note is that some have expressed concern as to whether the Cane Corso is a dangerous dog.A dog is only as good as the owner who trains him. This could result in a very anxious and unhappy dog. These dogs are muscular and are less bulky than other Mastiff Breed Dogs. Personally I charge $1,800 for pet quality and $2,500 for breed/show quality. Read this article on how to teach your dog to be polite and start using some of the gentle training suggested in the videos: Cane Corso are no more unpredicatble than any other dog. Cane Corso appear in two basic coat colours: black and fawn. Aggressive dogs: Many landlords will not allow residents to bring dogs deemed “aggressive”. Great hub, I love all of the information you share about dogs and dog behavior.Such a beautiful dog. Tip: Taking him on bike rides (while still immature, no more than an hour every 3 days if it's on CONCRETE) will keep his energy at a moderate level and will stop the leash pulling. I know I did the right thing as he was meant to be with me…Man that’s awsome. Again, with trends in cosmetic surgeries for dogs changing, many Corsos now have full tails, which should be carried erect, but never curled over the back.

However, much like ear cropping, this modification is actually for the benefit of the dog. When she obeys, praise her, but do not do so until she obeys.I plan on getting a Cane Corso puppy, but my brother also plan on getting a smaller breed puppy; how do I make this work?Some larger breed dogs, like the Cane Corso, get along just fine with smaller dogs, especially if introduced when still puppies.