Leitungswasser sollte nicht unmittelbar aus dem Wasserhahn getrunken werden. You can rent cars in Minsk at the airport or city from the major international rental chains or smaller local companies. Don't leave valuable items, such as computers, mobile phones, or wallets/cash in hotel rooms as there have been reports of thefts by housekeepers. Offiziell sind sowohl Russisch als auch Weißrussisch im Sprachgebrauch, aber man muss deutlich sagen, dass Weißrussisch heutzutage kaum noch eine besondere Förderung erfährt. Find tourist information, travel deals and offers about travel to Brest. übernimmt diese Einrichtung die Registrierung – aber ausschließlich für die Tage, in denen man tatsächlich dort wohnt. Communication with the embassies/consulates in Kensington (London, England), Vilnius (Lithuania), Moscow (Russia) can be poor especially by e-mail, post and via telephone. It is common that someone follows all application protocols for getting a visa but still gets denied due to a small technical error, such as a problem with the form of money order or a slight error in a filling out a form. Fax: +375 162 22-24-73 Long-distance trains mostly run during the night. You will be required to produce a "green card" (proof of insurance) valid for Belarus, or will have to purchase car insurance at the border for €1 per day of stay. Juli 2016 wurden neue Banknoten eingeführt, während Banknoten der bisherigen Serie erst ab 2017 eingezogen werden sollen. Homieĺ; Hrodna is a border town in north-west Belarus, the last capital of Rzecz Pospolita, the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth in 17-18 centuries. Brest Fortress was built in the 1830s-early 1840s at the meeting-point of the rivers Bug and Mukhavyets. Drinking alcohol (including beer, excepting non-alcoholic one) in public places is prohibited, even if your bottle is hidden in an opaque pack.

Natürlich ist gesunde Vorsicht in Brennpunkten wie den großen Busbahnhöfen und Zugknotenpunkten angesagt - so wie in fast allen Ländern der Welt. You can get there by train (~20 daily trains running from Minsk) at US$5–20. Nun muss man erneut zur Kasse und erhält entweder das überzählige Geld zurück oder muss erneut bezahlen, falls man noch mehr tanken möchte. Die geschätzten Wartezeiten an der Grenze zwischen Polen und Weißrussland können der polnischen Website Folgende Etappen sind bei der Grenzabfertigung zu bewältigen: As Western tourists are so rare, every English speaker you come across will jump at the chance to practice their English on you, and if you agree, then it may very quickly become quite a big commitment on your part. Regions []. When going into Belarus, they typically happen before the train leaves the station in Poland. There is no direct train from Estonia, but via track Tallin-Tartu- Valga/Valka (Valga/Valka is city at the Estonian/Latvian border. On long-distance country roads with only one lane each way, some cars may expect you to move over to the right (onto the verge if needs be) so that they can overtake, and it is probably best not to argue with them. In the green channel one has to complete two checks, the completion of each check is recorded on the paper received on entering the Belarusian side. The Brest Fortress was recognized by the Soviet Union as the Hero Fortress in honor of the defense of Brest Fortress in If you cannot apply for a visa in person, you SHOULD use the help of a Visa Processing Agency even though it will involve additional fees. Hotel employees are expected to report anything seeming strange concerning a foreign visitor to the authorities. The salted pork fat is used slightly smoked and seasoned with onions and garlic. The city lies along the Svisloch River. Although in theory everyone learns English in school from the age of 7, in practice a combination of bad teaching and having no one to practice on means that a lot of people have a very good vocabulary and can understand you if you talk slowly, but will struggle to put together a sentence in reply. It is characteristic that many vegetable and meat dishes are prepared in special stoneware pots. Try kvass – a non-alcoholic fermented beverage made from black or regular rye bread. Brest is a city with a long and complex history, and at different times it has been part of different countries and linked to different cultures. After the first world war Poland was re-established as a country and gained control of Brest as well as most of today's western Belarus. It is illegal to be outside after 11pm if you are under 18. Do not count on being lucky to spot wild animals by the railway tracks - they are normally afraid of loud noises and savage passengers. Weißrussland bleibt das einzige Land Europas, in dem Menschen zum Tode verurteilt und hingerichtet werden. Sophisticated criminal investigations are often inconclusive because of a lack of resources and/or political will. Die Zuggeschwindigkeiten liegen insbesondere östlich von Warschau etwas unter 100 km/h, zudem muss eine längere Wartezeit an der Grenze durch Abfertigung an der EU-Außengrenze sowie erforderlicher Umspurung von Normal- auf Breitspur einkalkuliert werden. Das Mitführen eines Mobiltelefons wird dringend empfohlen. Rasthöfe und Motels nach westeuropäischem Standard gibt es nicht, an den wesentlichen Straßenkreuzungen finden sich jedoch Tankstellen und kleinere Gasthäuser. Later it became part of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania (Medieval Belarusian-Lithuanian state) and eventually in the 16th century, the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. das Nichtofferieren von Sitzplätzen an bedürftige Leute wie Greise oder Schwangere) durchaus mit einer Ohrfeige geahndet werden kann. This is largely because crime is severely punished by the government and little organized crime is active within the country due to the government's efforts to curb these activities. There are several foreign chains in Belarus including McDonald's, KFC, and TGI Friday's.