Sophie is popular, so when she suggests they try ecstasy Mia figures it can't hurt her own chances with the in crowd. Pourquoi, où, quand, de quelle manière en font-ils usage ? when they are on titular drug.You know how you look away when watching a gruesome movie to be spared the most horrible scene? Enjoyable.I didn't liked this book. No particular plot was found in any of three strories and a no good character development either.The first story is not worth your time. I initially chose to read this book because I assumed it would realistically portray the underground life of club-goers and the highs and lows of ecstasy use. 1,151 ratings —

Pour répondre à ces questions et à bien d'autres, l'auteur nous propose un voyage dans le monde peu ou mal connu des usagers de ces produits. published 2008 published 1923

published 1956

updated Aug 06, 2013 04:35PM — published 2005 722 ratings — This volume seeks to provide thorough, factual information about ecstasy and is specifically aimed at teenagers. avg rating 4.10 — Every new release of his I will devour rather than savour, subsequently churning out reviews filled with crazed praise and fangirl ramblings. published 2010 published 1963

I also thought the author's wider range of subjects/characters showed his talents to the full. 2 ratings —

This is what made Trainspotting such an enthralling read, that sense that you were plopped right into this fully formed space where, maybe nothing much happened, but where you felt just fine wasting away the day with other deadbeats.Irvine Welsh is a great hangout writer. The third and final story was a lot longer and probably the 'main' tale. This book has a LOT of foul language, so enter at your own risk.Typical Welsh fun, 3 stories...2 stars for the first, 3.5 for the second, 5 for the last.The first 2 stories were incredibly gripping and disturbing - in other words brilliant. 674,479 ratings — avg rating 4.24 — avg rating 4.31 — Blue… A listing of the subtitle of each story hints at this: "A Rave and Regency Romance," "A Corporate Drug Romance" and "An Acid House Romance."
Free download or read online Ecstasy pdf (ePUB) book. 285 ratings — I found the combination very pleasing, although others might find it a bit forced perhaps even cheezy. I don't think I would ever look at the emergency Psych ward the same, and know how much the people working there care, work, love, and are human like the rest of us.

539,485 ratings — avg rating 3.80 — For those of you who may be reading this book and its your first time from this author just like it was for me, keep this mind. 882 ratings — Tale no.1 has a chilling Saville-esque character up to all sorts of disturbing activities. Considering the number of successful film adaptations his novels have spawned (think Danny Boyle's 'Trainspotting' or most recently 'Filth') I didn't doubt Welsh's talent but more the confrontational nature of his graphic and typically grotesque subject matter. 0 people liked it 19,594 ratings —
avg rating 3.80 — published 1989

published 2004 3 ratings — avg rating 3.84 — 159 ratings — published 1993 Quelles sont les caractéristiques sociales, économiques et culturelles des consommateurs d'ecstasy et autres " nouvelles drogues de synthèse " ? Despite never having really been part of any of the 'scenes' touched on in depth in these stories, I did however gain a lot of pleasure from remembering younger and more carefree times in my youth. With this book however, I actually enjoyed basking in the filth with his hapless, selfish stoned protagonists, and although I never rooted for any one character, I did pity many of them, thus eliciting some sort of necessary empathy to justify reading on.