"All the Kazakh employees are engaged in the Future Growth Project-Wellhead Pressure Management Project (FGP-WPMP). Current partners are: Chevron Overseas Company, 50 percent; KazMunayGas NC JSC, 20 percent; ExxonMobil Kazakhstan Ventures Inc., 25 percent and LUKARCO B.V., 5 percent.The project engineering is being executed by Fluor and its joint venture partners from Fluor’s office in Farnborough, UK, with support from its engineering centers in Atyrau and Almaty, Kazakhstan; New Delhi, India; and Houston, as well as its integrated construction site in Tengiz.

The Fluor-led JV has been providing services to TCO for the past 10 years, and this new project will create many opportunities for further development of the Kazakhstani oil and gas infrastructure, workforce and local companies. Current partners in TCO include Chevron (50%), KazMunaiGas (KMG) (20%), ExxonMobil (25%) and LukArco (5%). The Tengiz Future Growth Project (FGP) -Wellhead Pressure Management Project (WPMP) is an integrated project being developed primarily to increase the production capacity from the Tengiz oil field and the adjacent Korolev field. The Fluor JV was recently awarded another contract by TCO for its Wellhead Pressure Management Project in Kazakhstan.

FGP and WPMP are being executed together to realize efficiencies and cost savings.The front-end engineering design (FEED) and engineering, procurement and construction management activities phase of this expansion project was awarded by Tengizchevroil to Fluor-led joint venture KPJV in 2011. FGP will expand production by approximately 12 million tonnes per year. Tengiz is one of the world's deepest developed super giant oil fields, with the top of the reservoir at 3,850m. In addition to Fluor, KPJV consists of Kazakh Institute of Oil and Gas JSC, Engineering Company KAZGIPRONEFTETRANS LLP, and WorleyParsons. The Future Growth Project (FGP) is based on TCO’s successful 2008 Sour Gas Injection-Second Generation Project expansion, on which another Fluor-led Joint Venture participated. One of Chevron’s major selling points for its Tengiz expansion project has been the potential benefits it will create for Kazakhstan and its people.

Currently, the joint venture is working as part of an integrated team with Tengizchevroil on FGP-WPMP.Tengizchevroil LLP (TCO) is a Kazakhstani partnership that explores, develops, produces and markets crude oil, LPG, dry gas and sulfur. The project involves the development of an offshore resource with estimated recoverable resources in the range of 50 to 70+ Tcf for the...The Simandou Project is a world class iron ore mining development located in the south-east of Guinea, West Africa.

Kazakhstan's Tengiz Future Growth Project progress amid COVID-19 revealed.

Earth and road works. "Schneider Electric France (SEF) awarded the EPC contract for 21 sub stations (5 different types include split modules) to Wasco during 2016 and 2017 with staggered deliveries starting from Jan 2018 to July 2019 for a project in onshore Kazahkstan.

It is expected that FGP-WPMP will increase oil production by about 12 million tons per year making the total TCO crude production to about 39 million tons per year.

Crude production in 2013 was 27 million metric tonnes (216 million barrels). FGP-WPMP will generate approximately 20,000 jobs in Kazakhstan during peak construction and fabrication.FGP-WPMP will leave a legacy of new capabilities for the Republic of Kazakhstan in engineering, high-tech equipment servicing, project management, construction and fabrication./sitecollectionimages/projects/tengizchevroil-future-growth-project/tco-es.jpg, Future Growth Project – Wellhead Pressure Management Project97;#Tengizchevroil SGI/SGP Onshore Oil and Gas Projects - Project Management & Engineering;#1;#ExxonNeftegas Sakhalin Island Onshore Processing Facility - EPC;#347;#Kuwait Oil Company Project Management Consulting Contract2;#Energy & Chemicals;#17;#Onshore Oil & Gas Production

The Tengiz oilfield area includes the ‘super giant’ Tengiz field, the smaller Korolev field and several exploratory prospects.

Modules will be assembled in fabrication yards in Korea, Italy and Kazakhstan before being shipped to site via the Russian Inland Waterway System.Fluor started working in Kazakhstan in 1982 and has been working with Tengizchevroil since 1997. All have been successfully completed and loaded out on time with Zero punch list and Wasco safely clocked more than 610,000 man hours without LTI. TCO has operated oil and gas production facilities at Tengiz since 1993, and since that time has executed a number of expansion and upgrade developments.

FGP will … The US-based firm, which has a 50% stake in Tengiz’ operator Tengizchevroil, anticipates the Kazakhstan-based project will cost $36.8bn and is due for completion by 2022, despite construction suffering a setback in June following a mass brawl between employees that left 40 injured.
The FEED is complete now and detailed engineering is well underway. The scope of works includes the following: Disinvestment of existing services and roads. TCO Future Growth Project - Wellhead Pressure Management Project is the next expansion of the Tengiz oilfield.

This is 91% of the total number of project personnel in Kazakhstan. Tengizchevroil (TCO)’s Future Growth Project is a joint venture partnership formed in 1993 to develop the Tengiz oilfield in western Kazakhstan.