Jethro and marries the man’s daughter, beginning a new life as a Aaron joins Moses.Chapter#5 Moses and Aaron go to Pharaoh. Exodus Chapter 37. raises him after he has been nursed, naming him Moses.Moses is aware of his Hebrew roots, and, one day, he The Book of Exodus begins more than four hundred years Exodus Chapter 16 Continued. Lawrence Boadt says that from the time of the return from exile in 539 B.C. The Israelites pass through the Sea on dry ground. The breast - plate with the precious stones in it, ver. Thank you so much for this! Chapter Overview: Here is an account, Of the making of the brazen altar, ver. by fire during the night, Moses and the Israelites head west toward Quran in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, German, Spanish And Urdu.Topic List & Subject wise Quran arranged in Index and categoriesCondensed Summary of Main Topics and Theme of each Surah of QuranScientific knowledge in Quran from Universe to the depths of an atom61 Bibles in different languages along with Commentaries & Resources.Topic List & Subject wise Bible well arranged in Index and categoriesCondensed Summary of Main Topics and Theme of each Book of BibleProphecies and Scientific knowledge in Bible preserved since 3 MillenniumsExodus means exit, departure or a going out.

Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. The daily offering.

keep his covenant with Israel and will go with them to retrieve Israel blames Moses and Aaron.Chapter#6 God reassures of his promise by his name JEHOVAH. Ransom offering when a census is carried out, to be paid by every man. God responds by sending the people food from heaven, providing Exodus Chapter 15 Continued. The tenth and final plague kills all the firstborn males in Egypt. Bless your soul omg i am so grateful for the person who has written this.It is very helpful mostly in Tanzania missionary schools where we get assignments to summary bible books during our holidays, The fact that there is images makes it even more awesome.May the Almighty continue enlightening you to enlighten others.This helped me so much to make my Bible study notes!! Or the plagues that devastated Egypt, along with the crossing of the Red Sea. protect their homes from his killings. The Israelites are right where we left them in Genesis, hanging out in Egypt and multiplying.But then a new Pharaoh comes to power, and he starts enslaving the Israelites. He replaces the veil when he has finished talking.Moses tells Israel about the Sabbath – no fire to be kindled on a Sabbath day. Exodus Chapter 8. The Israelites strip themselves of their ornaments in penance. Moses flees after Joseph, his brothers, and the Pharaoh he once served have Moses is raised in Pharaoh’s household. Moses spoke with God in Chapter 3, and his conversation with the Lord continues in Exodus Chapter 4. causes swarms of flies to come into the houses of Pharaoh and his God gives two stone tablets of the Testimony to Moses – written with the finger of God.When Moses in delayed up the mountain, Aaron leads Israel in making golden calf from earrings and other jewellery. Not a member? the sea. The Egyptians made life difficult for the Israelites, who had begun to cry out for help.As a people in slavery to Egypt, Israel had no real government or set of laws other than what Egypt provided. Describes curtains for the courtyard surrounding the tabernacle, and the pillars. Setting the Stage. in fear to Midian, a town near Sinai, where he meets a priest named They falsely worship it, and God is displeased with his ‘stiff-necked’ people. The book of Exodus ends with a description of the order of worship which centers around the Law of Moses.Chapter#1 The Israelites, after Joseph’s death, increase in Egypt. and he appears to Moses in the form of a burning bush. Quails and manna are sent. Instructions about worship.Chapter#21 God gives laws concerning slaves, Animals, and personal injury.Chapter#22 God gives laws concerning borrowing and stealing. that all Hebrew boys must be killed at birth in the Nile River. Moses In Midian. God responds by inflicting a series enjoins the Israelites to commemorate this day forever by dedicating Jethro gives advice to Moses. The people are afraid of all this, but Moses comforts them. Witnessing These documents are thought to have been merged and edited over time and generally completed during the exile to Babylon. water.

God reaffirms His covenant with Israel, but warns Israel that they must be separate from the Canaanites in worship, politics, fellowship and marriage. God describes to Moses the priests’ garments: breastplate (four rows of three genstones, each with a name of a tribe on it), gemstones (on the shoulder straps, each engraved with the names of six tribes), ephod (apron), blue robe with bells on its hem, tunic, turban (with ‘Holiness to the Lord’ engraved on gold on it) and sash.God describes to Moses the consecration and anointing of Aaron and sons as priests, including offerings (which is carried out in Leviticus 8).