The topic also leads to wider controversial questions of autonomy of the Mother tongues of the French population (2007 AES) Maghrebi Arabic, sometimes known as Western Arabic, originates in and is primarily spoken in Algeria, Morocco, Libya, and Tunisia.All maps, graphics, flags, photos and original descriptions © 2020 Article 75-1: (a new article): "Les langues régionales appartiennent au patrimoine de la France" ("Regional languages belong to the patrimony of France"). Another language spoken in France that is only loosely related to French is Corsican (also known as Corsu, or Lingua corsa). In addition, in each region people use words that are not French but come from the regional language. Languages other than English are spoken by 19 percent of the rest. Nearly 1,000 years later, in the late 19th century, a poet attempted to revive the language by standardizing its written form.Today, Occitan is spoken by approximately 610,000 individuals and consists of 7 dialects: Gascon, Limousin, Nissart, Languedocien, Provençal, Auvergnat, and Vivaroalpenc. The most widely spoken immigrant languages in France include English, German, Italian, Portuguese, Polish, Turkish, Maghrebi Arabic, Berber, and Vietnamese.According to the 1999 census, Maghrebi Arabic is the most widely spoken immigrant language in this country. Rakshitsingh's interactive graph and data of "Languages Spoken By Percentage In India" is a pie, showing Col2. According to the 2007 Adult Education survey, part of a project by the The regional languages of Metropolitan France include: The official language of the French Republic is French (art.

There are also several languages spoken in France's overseas areas (see Here is a list of the nine most prominent mother tongues in France based on When the people with mother tongue and people with some exposure to the language before the age of 5 (see note #3 below) are added together, the five most widely spoken languages in metropolitan France are (note that the percentages add up to more than 100, because many bilingual people are now counted twice): Proponents of the measure state that it would be necessary for the preservation of those languages and to show respect to the local culture.

The government, furthermore, mandates that commercial advertising be available in French (though it can also use other languages).

Additionally, it is considered the most commonly spoken second language in this country, and millions of individuals report speaking it at home. This "map" has many mistakes on many language.

Opponents contend that local languages are often non-standardised (thus making curricula difficult), of dubious practical usefulness (since most are spoken by a small number of people, without any sizable corpus of publications) and that the curriculum and funding of public schools are already too strained.
level 2 The speakers of these other languages are as follows: Spanish 62%; Chinese 3%; Tagalog 2.71%; Vietnamese 2.23%; French 2.22%; Korean 1.93%; German 1.92%; Russian 1.47%; Arabic 1.32%; Italian 1.32%; Portuguese 1.21%; French Creole 1.16%; Other 17.31%; Now, let’s switch to the top global languages. Approximately 940,000 individuals, or 2.05% of the population of Metropolitan France, reported speaking the … The official language of the French Republic is French (art. French has been the official language of France since 1992, but has been the country's administrative language for legal documents and laws since 1539.The French language evolved from the Vulgar Latin language, which was used during the Roman Empire. This language is believed to have originated in the northern region of present-day France and gradually evolved into Old French and Middle French, respectively.