And Joshua said unto the people, Sanctify yourselves: for to morrow the LORD will do wonders among you.Joshua said unto the people - rather 'had said;' for, as he speaks of Finding the new version too difficult to understand? Thank you for letting me know! All of these instances tell us that before God does something special with His people, He asks them to prepare themselves for what He is going to do.We must be committed to prepare ourselves for what God is going to do. You have probably heard the old maxim: “The will to win is not nearly as important as the will to PREPARE to win” (some credit that to Bobby Knight; some to Joe Paterno; and some to Bear Bryant. But that whole revival started in a worship service, with ONE young woman who, when no one else would offer a testimony, stood and said, “I just want to say that I love Jesus Christ with all my heart” in a heartfelt and simple way. Joshua 3:5-17 New International Version (NIV).
Joshua 3:5 Parallel Verses [⇓ See commentary ⇓] Joshua 3:5, NIV: "Joshua told the people, 'Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the LORD will do amazing things among you.'" It was to be the springboard to which they would look back and remember that YHWH was with them. Study the bible online using commentary on Joshua 3 and more! Commanded the people — In Joshua's name, and by his authority. The Israelites were to cross the Jordan when the river was at its widest and deepest, and was flowing its swiftest. It is one thing to say you really “want” to win; it is another to have the will to PREPARE: to do the exercises, to make the practices, to put in all the preparations that are necessary throughout the year to win a championship. I am grateful to see these messages read in countries around the world, and pray that God will use His word to help individuals to walk with Him daily, and churches to glorify Him with their worship and obedience. A team might have “the will to win” a game, but when it comes down to the 4th quarter, if they had not been having “the will to prepare to win” by getting in good condition during conditioning drills, then they will run out of energy, and their “will to win” is going to falter. Please pardon me to share it also with my brethren in my local church, here in Nigeria. They were not, of course, aware of this. But the question is not as much “do I have the will on Sunday?” but did I have the will during the week to PREPARE for God to do something great on Sunday? Please pray that I will continue in it as I begin to prepare myself before the Lord. Did I spend time in prayer asking Him all week to bless the services? One of the many things it said was:Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in:Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. a. Go to Then Joshua said to the people, "Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the LORD will do wonders among you." And Joshua said — He himself also, as well as the officers, by his direction, spake to the people the day before their passage; and as the matter was very important, he probably went himself from tribe to tribe, to give the orders here mentioned. Indeed, He had already done so, providentially speaking (1:2-6; 2:9), but the people of the land were not going to simply lie down. Will definitely share!“Preparing For God To Work” is a right on time word.Thank you Pastor Ken. Thank youThank You for a new dimension of sharing “consecrate yourselves”. God bless.I am so grateful that it was helpful for your group, Sandra! Since Bryant was the oldest, I’m going to give him credit for it! God was giving them the land. Thank you for teaching this, it was a great blessing to me!Amen; thank you very much for letting me know, Donyelle!I am so sorry I just saw this. At this time of the year (April) the Jordan overflowed its banks. Thanks for such a seasoned Word, Applicable, Active, In season and out of season. Trust Him with the outcome.Great article on what it means to consecrate yourself to God Great article on consecration! And yet God’s Spirit used that one person’s obedience to ignite the Welsh Revival which changed a whole country!All of this tells us that it DOES matter what you do. (6) Joshua’s step of faith: he sends the priests to walk across a swollen river Jordan. sanctify yourselves; in a ceremonial sense, by washing their bodies and their clothes, and abstaining from their wives; and in a moral sense, by acts of religion and devotion, by prayer and meditation, and the exercise of repentance and, good works: it may denote that sanctification is necessary to our passage over Jordan, or through death to the heavenly Canaan, for without holiness no man shall see the Lord: for tomorrow the Lord will do wonders among you: in their sight and presence, and for them, by dividing the waters of Jordan, that they might pass through it as on dry land; this, as Kimchi says, was the tenth of Nisan, as is plain from And Joshua said to the people, Sanctify yourselves: for to morrow the LORD will do wonders among you.And Joshua said unto the people, Sanctify yourselves: for to morrow the LORD will do wonders among you. At the end of that chapter, in :44 He said, “For I am the Lord your God. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Joshua 3:5. But it doesn’t matter as much who said it, as the truth that is in it!) For example, in Leviticus 11, God gave the people of Israel rules for avoiding “unclean” things: dead animals, or unclean animals which they were to avoid. And Joshua said unto the people On the third day; and the thirtieth day of the mourning for Moses, Jarchi says, was the first of the three days, and that being the seventh day of the month, this must be the ninth, as it is most clear the morrow was the tenth: Thanks.You are very welcome. It is suitable and proper to withdraw from communion with men, in order to enjoy communion with God. We were all excited about it; we pre-registered him online, and we made sure to check the list of all the things he had to have ready for the first day: the payment for the class; a folder to hold his papers in, a highlighter, lunch plans. His first point was: “If we simply use prayer for revival as an excuse for our unwillingness to obey God, we should not pray for revival, we should repent.